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Title Match: Heller, Rebbetzin Tziporah
Heller, Rebbetzin Tziporah on  aishAudio
Rebbetzin Heller is a senior lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim College in Jerusalem. Amongst her many areas of expertise are the role of women in Judaism and analysis of the lives of women in the Bible. Rebbetzin Heller herself is an example of a woman who has managed to balance her responsibilities as the mother of a large family with her roles as international speaker and author.
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HT 084 D
Ruth drove her desire for Jewish law and thirst for kindness and modesty above and beyond her shady upbringing. Yet her behavior when she tried to tell Boaz of his obligation to marry her was puzzling. A fascinating expose on the concept of 'sinning with good intentions' and the role evil plays in the world.
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HT 084 E

Many of us are familiar with Ruth, but Rebbetzin Heller explores different angles of the story often left not discussed. Why was Elimelech in the wrong for leaving when he knew he would fail in his job of sustaining the nation in time of famine? What do the names of his two sons teach us – and who were they reincarnations of? And how did Boaz’s response to meeting Ruth show his great spiritual flexibility?

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HT 084 F

Often the gap between the goal of who we would like to be, and who we are is great – and worse, the path to get there is unclear at best. One of the ways to achieve self mastery is by analyzing people who have succeeded in attaining it. Rebbetzin Heller focuses on Ruth and her great descendent David, finding within them the courage it takes to face tests, change, and move on to the next challenge.

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HT 087
Here we see Esther as the number one star of Shushan. How did her magnetic charm totally captivate King Achashveirosh - and everyone else for that matter? Notwithstanding her advanced age, her greenish complexion or any other hocus pokus - nothing detracted from her natural inner beauty. Megillas Esther instructs us about this special charm - how it enhances self­image, and affects everyone else that dwells within your sphere of influence.
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HT 087 B

We often try to evade Hashem's presence, finding the task of seeing the bigger picture of life, and our place in it, just too uncomfortable to bear. Rebbetzin Heller focuses on Esther by showing how people deflect their greater consciousness of God. Hear how this plays out in every day life and how to readjust it.

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HT 252 A
Rebbetzin Heller, in a shiur from Orchos Tzadikim, discusses Sha’ar Hanedivut – the Gate of Generosity. ‘Giving’ is a confusing subject. After all, you can’t give to yourself when you’re giving to someone else – or can you? And how does it work when the more you give, the more expansive you become? There are three kinds of giving: physically, with money, and with your intellect. Hear a succinct breakdown of each.
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HT 252 B

Some people are prone to forget who they are, what they’re doing, why they’re doing it and even which responses to have in common life situations. How can we avoid getting spaced out, stay more focused and keep a tighter grip on our identity?  Rebbetzin Heller explains two stabilizing ideas that can alter certain expectations that we might have adopted over the years.

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HT 252 C

It is hard to see oneself objectively. Can one really know if they've succeeded in reaching a level of humility without worrying that they may be fooling themselves? Rebbetzin Heller presents six different scenarios that we face here, and the proper reaction we should have for each to keep our egos in check.

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HT 252 D

Do we really fear God, or do our actions that show up as fear reflect a piety stemming from societal influences? Rebbetzin Heller maps out the three levels of fearing God, and describes how our soul is entrapped in the physical world, and how we slowly gather the information we need to break the body's hold on us.

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HT 252 G
Shame is an experience that most would like to avoid. Rebbetzin Heller describes how this trait can humanize us as well as confirm the need for accountability to God. Perhaps the desire to disparage another comes from a need to lighten our own burdens of negative self-worth? How should one respond to the shame that others experience? A fascinating class on a little-known trait that reflects a glimmer of our own spiritual sensitivity.
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