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Kelemen, Rabbi Leib
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KL 524
We are enjoined to say the Hagaddah out loud on Seder night. Rabbi Kelemen asks the following, “Why not instruct us to say over Fantastically Deep Wisdom (FDW)?” FDW, explains Rabbi Kelemen, is essentially frum TV – which entertains and leaves you high, but does not promote real 'change.' Exactly what change is he referring to, and how does saying the seder story drive the message of change home?

KL 527
Rabbi Kelemen's unique perspective on the Omer ties together the Temple service, the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students and the experience of living in Eretz Yisrael. This important lesson is applicable all year round, leading us to recognize the three essential elements for being a truly observant Jew.

KL 529
Don’t kid yourself into using the line 'I'm only human... and this is who I am' as an excuse to avoid working your dream. Mitzvot were designed to draw out the greater being from within. This holiday, work the Torah of ‘ratzon’ a bit deeper for a tighter connection to your dearest dream.

KL 533
Rabbi Kelemen probes the reason given for the destruction of the Second Temple. He approaches the question by showing the two ways people perceive the world - from a two, or three dimensional perspective. With moving stories and refreshing insights Rabbi Kelemen describes how viewing the world from higher eyes can affect how unified your outlook will be.

KL 540
Rosh Hashana is the pivotal day of reckoning. It is also the time for new beginnings and for developing closer ties. For a stronger sense of closeness, both love and fear must be in sync. Rabbi Kelemen explains how to line them up for greater harmony.

KL 544 A
Ever wonder what’s behind the mitzvah of having a festive meal before Yom Kippur? Why are we being told to focus our attention on the physical just before entering the holiest spiritual day of the year? Rabbi Kelemen fills us in with what’s really being served at this meal before we enter this holy day.

KL 544 B
Even with a tiny bit of complete teshuva, God will deem that you have succeeded on Yom Kippur. So how come we find ourselves working on similar resolutions year after year? Perhaps you really didn't do teshuva! Real, permanent change is easier than you think. A must listen.

KL 546
Why is happiness specifically related to the holiday of Sukkos? Rabbi Kelemen elaborates how different physical and spiritual levels of happiness interrelate and intrinsically depend on one another.

KL 550
Each Jewish holiday is a window of opportunity. What is the light of Chanukah that is just waiting to be turned on? In this engaging lecture, R' Kelemen examines why the victory over the Greeks was commemorated by a holiday, despite the fact that the Jews had overcome greater adversaries in the past. Hear how our defeat of the Greeks can help us overcome our own personal natures, and thereby elevate ourselves and our experience of Chanukah.

KL 553 A
Through this fascinating analysis of the events of Purim, Rabbi Kelemen weaves the issues of kiruv and assimilation with a startling conclusion.