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Title Match: Levy, Rabbi Chaim
Levy, Rabbi Chaim on  aishAudio
has found 35 results
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LH 504 H
Women don't feel left out, in this segment we delve into the obligations of prayer that you have and how it applies to you daily. We also take some time to probe into some of the hidden secrets found in pesukei D'Zimrah. Did you ever wonder why Sephardim always spread open their palms while reciting the Ashrei - are we waiting to catch something from the heavens? The truth is - YES; hear all this and more in this grand finally of Pesukei D'Zimrah
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LH 511 A
Rabbi Levy opens the topic on how to light the Friday candles by sharing with us the Ben Ish Chai's understanding of this holy mitzvah. He compares the power that a candle has to express its own light, to the inner light we awaken when we guard the Shabbat. In this segment we also learn how candle lighting ties into Adam and Chava, and the lesson it holds for peace between a husband and wife.
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LH 511 B
Am I to light two, four, or seven candles before Shabbat? Where do all these different Minhagim come from? According to Minhag Bnei Sepharad, where is the best location to light candles considering the place the menorah was lit in the Bet Hamikdash? Our talented guide Rabbi Levy doesn't leave you in the dark about any of these questions.
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LH 511 C
All men have a few burning questions here. Why do women have a monopoly on this mitzvah, and is there a small portion of this mitzvah that also applies to them? How and where should a husband light when he stays in a hotel on a business trip? We also learn where and when to light on college campuses and in dorm rooms. Hear how various halachic authorities trace the Sephardic Minhagim back to the Shulchan Aruch.
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LH 511 D
Making a Beracha on the candles is an integral part of this mitzvah. It has practical ramifications on when a person is bound to accept Shabbat, and when they must cease from performing melachot. With encyclopedic breadth Rabbi Levy uses the Ben Ish Chai as a springboard for understanding the significance of when to make the Beracha using the different opinions of contemporary poskim.
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LH 511 E
In this rich segment the Ben Ish Chai explains which types of oils are acceptable, and the laws of moving the lit candles. Rabbi Levy seizes an opportunity here to educate us on some practical Halachot including the use of electric lights as a replacement for candles, and how Rav Yoseph Karo learned out the Halacha, as well as insight on the value of performing this mitzvah before Hashem.
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LH 511 F
Candlelight might be acceptable light for eating dinner but am I also permitted to read by this light? Hear additional insight on how our hachamim decided these Halachot and where they apply to modern day circumstances. In his finale to this series, Rabbi Levy shares some fascinating insights about Shabbat from Rabbi Chaim Phalagi.
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LH 556 A
In this three part series learn about special mitzvot that can be performed only during the month of Adar. Did you ever wonder why we have an obligation to remember our arch enemy Amalek, to fast before Purim,or read about a red cow? Who is obligated to hear the special Torah readings during this month of joy? Here the view of the Chidah, a famed kabbalist, and ponder some points by the Ben Ish Hai, as Rabbi Levy weaves together halacha and hashkafah to create a masterpiece of depth that is sure to give everyone an Adar that is meaningful.
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LH 556 B
In this three part series learn about special mitzvot that can be performed only during the month of Adar. Did you ever wonder why we have an obligation to remember our arch enemy Amalek, to fast before Purim,or read about a red cow? Who is obligated to hear the special Torah readings during this month of joy? Here the view of the Chidah, a famed kabbalist, and ponder some points by the Ben Ish Hai, as Rabbi Levy weaves together halacha and hashkafah to create a masterpiece of depth that is sure to give everyone an Adar that is meaningful.
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LH 556 C
In this three part series learn about special mitzvot that can be performed only during the month of Adar. Did you ever wonder why we have an obligation to remember our arch enemy Amalek, to fast before Purim,or read about a red cow? Who is obligated to hear the special Torah readings during this month of joy? Here the view of the Chidah, a famed kabbalist, and ponder some points by the Ben Ish Hai, as Rabbi Levy weaves together halacha and hashkafah to create a masterpiece of depth that is sure to give everyone an Adar that is meaningful.
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