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Title Match: Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie
Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie on  aishAudio
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MX 930 C
Not feeling 'full of yourself' is a hidden state of arrogance that is different from boasting about your talents or accomplishments. Humility is an inner strength we possess that clearly manifests itself in how we relate to others - especially to those we see as inferior. Bonnie Mansour, Mrs. Practicality, points out how to see the shadows of haughtiness within our lives, and how to gently move beyond them to a more pleasant way of being.
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MX 930 G
Did you know it's a mitzvah to be happy? This implies that every time we focus on being happy with the material things we have, and avoid thinking about those things we think might make us happier, we can chalk up another mitzvah! Hear some great tips on putting yourself in a good mood, and for helping you appreciate all the good things you do have in life - even if some of them may go against your grain from time to time.
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MX 930 H
During the time you are experiencing a setback, do you ask yourself how you will feel about it 10 years down the road? Now ask yourself how often you use this same 'look to the future' approach when trying to comfort someone else experiencing a setback? To what extent does the approach we use for sizing up the events in our life have on our overall state of happiness? One of the several items Mrs. Mansour discusses is how curbing a critical eye can allow more natural joy to surface in one's life.
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MX 930 M

Overcoming our natural inertia of saying 'tomorrow' is a universal problem. Mrs. Bonnie Mansour reviews the lesson of alacrity that we learn from Avraham and the lowly ant. Hear how this trait directly affect the level of your Torah observance and your parenting ability. Could this be a sign for you to hear how to awaken your inner potential to take care of business?

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MX 930 N

From when our children are still small, we are constantly urging them to share their toys, snacks or whatever. But aren't we supposed to be the shining example of generosity by openly sharing those things that we hold near and dear? Mrs. Mansour explains how this works with emotional giving as well. Hear easy effective ways to give in meaningful and touching ways.

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MX 930 O
Silence is a trait that is both underrated and overlooked. Logic says that a person who is always talking will most likely only hear what they already know. By incorporating more silence into your side of communication you can hear much more than they are actually saying. Also hear guidelines for when it's generally appropriate to keep quiet. An informative talk in Mrs. Mansour's comfortable and easy to listen style.
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MX 930 P
A lighthearted joke or chuckle that can poke fun at foolishness is a valuable tool. But what turns humor into mockery, and why is it so destructive - to both parties? Mrs. Bonnie Mansour takes a close look at the points that divides the two, and the underlying motivations that can turn innocent humor into a devastating weapon.
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MX 930 Q
Isn't it so easy to just weasel out of a pickle with a little white lie, and then tell ourselves it really doesn't make much of a difference anyhow? Maybe we'd think differently if we knew that truth isn't just another virtue we need to work on - but that it's the 'seal of God.' Mrs. Mansour shares inspiring thoughts and stories on honesty - which move us to integrate this pillar into our quest for purification.
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MX 930 S
Finding published Jewish works on the subject of curiosity is a hunt - even though there's much to say on the topic. So what is it in us that craves to hear the latest people news, and which can leave a stain on ones moral fabric? A great talk on social sensitivity, with a fresh perspective on setting personal boundaries.
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MX 969
Our sincere desire to be a true Eishes Chayil often gets trampled beneath the load of our daily hustle bustle. In this class for women, Mrs. Mansour shares wisdom about the life of Sophie Levy, a"h - a woman who was so determined to give of herself in total modesty that it was only after her passing that so many stories came out of her invisible chesed. This inspirational story shows that we've all got what it takes to be the Eishes Chayil we dream of being.
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