The story of Noach and the generation of the flood prompts us to ask - what did they do that was so bad? One thing we know is that people stole from one another and didn't keep their word. Rabbi Mansour speaks about strengthening our partnerships by being honest, both in business in and in life, to ensure that they won't be infiltrated by deceit.
Do you ever find yourself asking the question, "am I really being genuine now?" In looking at the Torah portion of Yitro, Rabbi Eli Mansour leads us to a clearer picture of what life is about, and how to go about finding trustworthy guides who can show us the ways to navigate the ever shifting terrain.
The laws of damages in Jewish law at first glance might not seem so interesting, but Jewish law is compared to a queen with an entourage of bodyguards in front and in back, a precious item to be guarded. Take a closer look and hear Rabbi Mansour's new perspective on this important area of Jewish life.
Although it might seem like hearing about the construction of the ancient Tabernacle has no practical application to our lives now, it has actually been encoded with insights about Shabbat and the impact it can have on our lives. We have to recognize that no matter how hard we try, true happiness can never be bought, and won't be found solely in the physical realm. Hear how breaking out of the physical stressful world we live in can be an uplifting spiritual experience.
Why does the Torah command us to give rebuke to our fellow Jew (within limitations) when it is such a politically incorrect thing to do nowadays? What's wrong with people just working out their problems at their own pace? Rabbi Mansour explains in his very entertaining way what Jewish rebuke is based upon, and demonstrates creative ways for giving rebuke when the situation calls for it.
Rabbi Eli Mansour draws out lots of action and inspiration from this week's parsha. Hear about the twelve tribes, finding your place in society, the sons of Aaron, and ways to give simple, yet fundamental respect to your parents - which really pays off. His insights are delivered with energy and humor. Be prepared for a captivating session.
Rabbi Mansour takes an in-depth and advanced appraisal of 'stories' from the Gemora. In this engaging shiur he discusses how even a promise from God can be nullified under certain circumstances. Snapshots of David HaMelech, the Beis HaMikdash, Israel in Galus and Shabbos make for an intellectually stimulating and fast moving hour. Each talk in this series stands on its own.
Honoring parents properly is perhaps our hardest job, which most of us really don't live up to. Hear how to educate your children to have the proper fear and respect towards your 'spouse' - which will help us to pass this vital mitzvah on to the next generation of parents and children.
When seen superficially, Esther's life takes on qualities of a fairytale. Chosen to be queen in a beauty pageant, she saves all the Jews in the world facing extinction. Mrs. Bonnie Mansour describes Esther's tragic life on stepping into the palace. The lessons of self-sacrifice and modesty become even more inspiring when it becomes clear how we too are capable of reaching those levels.