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Milstein, Rabbi Yerachmiel
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MI 553
What is so miraculous about the Purim Story? Political intrigue flourished back in Persia as it does today, and just because Esther was in the right place at the right time, would we say it was a supernatural event? One job in this confusing exile is to find God watching us from behind the smokescreen of nature. Rabbi Milstein describes how the hand of God also appears within many of the normal events we encounter in life.
MI 620
When children are young, parents give them loads of smiles, hugs & kisses - far outweighing the criticism they get. This ratio drastically shifts once kids move into the adolescent tug of war - called 'control.' Rabbi Milstein tells transformational stories that occurred to teens when the reins of choice were put directly into their hands. Hear how to test spin such an option when a child's need for independence rears its wagging head.
MI 626
All teenagers struggle as they navigate their way into adulthood, but some of them fall harder than others. Rabbi Milstein speaks about guiding and motivating teens at-risk based on his many years of experience. Learn how to listen, remain non-judgmental and truly be there when they need you, as well as offering them a positive attitude to encourage change.
MI 626 B
How do we instill a sense of confidence and belonging into our children, raised in homes of baalei teshuvah? Do we have to take on the chumras our kids come home with? What do we do at the point where their knowledge begins to surpass ours? In this great talk, hear a bit about how to integrate your children into mainstream society and deal with the issues that come up when raising them in the frum world.
MI 687
Deep inside us all is the longing for greatness. Rabbi Milstein describes the three qualities that are common among most leaders. Hear how all are accessible, and how to cultivate them.
MI 691
Unfortunately, evil affects everyone - even the righteous. The question to consider is how well we deal with it when it rears its ugly head. Rabbi Milstein explains how we each have a customized map to greatness, and explains ways to overcome the intimidating illusions we usually accept as true.
MI 906
Ever notice how unresolved questions of existence and emunah seem to nibble away at your peace of mind? Don't FFB's also n eed to hear clear explanations of Judaism's truths which are usually only given to curious beginners ? Rabbi Milstein turns his vast kiruv experience towards the frum audience, giving a wide inspiring session of how Torah is indeed min hashamayim.
MI 934
Would you be interested in a free life-coaching session from an experienced guide who knows you well? The 6 Constant Mitzvot are a handy companion to help you jump out of bed, be more loving, reach your goals, and help untangle difficulties that keep blocking your life. An energizing talk.
MI 941 A
When was the last time you felt foolish because you forgot whether you bentched or not after a meal? Rabbi Milstein shows the direct correlation between the effort you put into making your tefillos real, and the outcome of those tefillos. Hear an energizing talk, full of anecdotes and stories based on '5 realities' to help you be more in touch with your prayers.
MI 941 B
Using our mouths properly sounds like a funny thing to focus on, but in the realm of tefillah this is a huge secret. Hear what's revealed in this great sequel on empowering your teffillos. Rabbi Milstein also talks about breaking old habits in davening, learning to pray for something before you really need it, and having compassion for others you're davening for. If you liked the first one, you're sure to gain a lot from this engaging talk!