Rabbi Chaim Morgenstern teaches at various Jerusalem seminaries, including Seminar Yerushalayim and Ateret. He is also a marriage counselor and a much sought-after lecturer in Israel and the United States.
As many believe, the Shabbos mealtime experience can be heaven on earth – or quite the opposite. Rabbi Morgenstern helps parents become more connected with keeping their Shabbos on track. Try a few key points to reach a joyous and productive family experience.
Shabbos isthat wonderful day of resting and eating and family time, but as a result don’t the deeper spiritual aspects of the day end up taking a back seat? Rabbi Morgenstern focuses us on how the core aspects of shamor v’zachor will bring us more front and center.
Chinuch does not only mean to give over information, but how to do it. Hidden within the Haggadah are the keys for success in bringing up our children. Hear about the tools of ingrained repetition, questions, and how to answer them. How can we find the most opportune moment to guide our children?
Seder Night was designed to be exciting, especially for the children. Join Rabbi Morgenstern as his message steps into your kosher home sharing ways the Haggadah presents and implants our mesorah into the thirsty minds of your most valuable possession.
Are you parents of young children who feel that a peaceful, meaningful Seder is beyond reach, and that you as the Seder leaders morph into a policeman? To make sure we hand the Haggadah to the next generation in a way that benefits all, hear a number of great ideas and practical tips.
In order to be judged favorably on Yom HaDin, first understand how the Heavenly Court judges cases in general, and also in particular. Rabbi Morgenstern reviews the clear instructions that Chazal gave us to receive a favorable judgment on this day.
How do we make changes that last from year to year instead of watching them fizzle out soon after Yom Kippur? Rabbi Morgenstern offers a number of practical ideas and shows how even a small success is a big gain when Hashem reviews our overall progress.
A prerequisite for studying Torah is derech eretz (good manners). But to absorb the greater depth of your teachers message requires an additional trait. Hear Rabbi Morgenstern's advice on developing yourself into a more fitting vessel to receive the Torah.
What middos do all marriages need for success? Once answered, now you can figure out the middos to look for in the man you hope to marry. Also discussed is how, and at what stages to check a potential shidduch's background. A great shiur on a difficult parsha.
Rabbi Morgenstern's class on dating begins by reviewing these necessary elements for being sure a shidduch is remotely compatible: looks, chemistry, and communication. He then moves on to the topics of marriage and general hashkafah, and dealing with indecision. Learn how to 'wrap things up' and the appropriate behavior during the engagement.