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Neustadt, Rebbetzin Yitty
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NY 625 T
Every person has their own nature, which makes communicating between ourselves difficult. Add to that the natural differences between men and women, we can really struggle to make ourselves understood. Rebbetzin Neustadt discusses the levels of expectation we can expect of our spouses and the appreciation we must have for what we receive. Including an interesting discussion on how to raise children to need less even if we are materially blessed.

NY 625 U
Rebbetzin Neustadt veers from her path on marriage to discuss another union - our connection with Hashem as Shavuos draws close. Our chuppah with Hashem began at Sinai, but has lasted until today. When will we reach the point where each and every one of us will desire our relationship to be everlasting? The moral choices that face us today make it harder than ever - but more meaningful.

NY 625 V
The need to be respected is human and applies to both genders. Rebbetzin Neustadt first looks at the woman’s need for respect, and the need to esteem herself. She then turns to the respect we must give to our husbands - which is extremely essential to his being. The care we take in this area reflects on how we build or destroy our homes.

NY 625 W
Our external appearance belongs to everyone who sees us. Our levels of self-respect and dignity comes across strongly in our mode of dress. There is much confusion between the inner world and outer world and the way we must present ourselves. Are we careful to show our husbands our beautiful selves while not exposing our femininity to strangers?

NY 625 X
How vital is it to communicate your hurt to those who wronged you? Rebbetzin Neustadt also looks at how the stages of marriage compare to the stages children pass through on their way to adulthood. By analyzing how teenagers interact with parents, valuable lessons and better ways to communicate with children and spouses are now available.

NY 625 Y
All people love feeling good, but the pleasures of giving or receiving needs more clarification. Join Rebbetzin Neustadt as she sorts through the confusing emotions involved. Hear why giving breeds love, and why doing this in just the right way avoids resentment or feeling you're being taken advantage of.

NY 625 Z
Since men and women differ greatly in communication styles, it often happens that their conversations end in frustration. Rebbetzin Neustadt explains the pitfalls women encounter when trying to explain something to their husbands. Hear excellent tools to help ensure that our husbands are being heard - and that we feel understood.

NY 625 ZB
A building engineer who doesn't pore over carefully prepared blueprints before beginning construction can be sure of one thing - that the building from its foundation up will be vulnerable to all sorts of dangers. A woman, the engineer of the home has a similar task. How well has she planned her goals beforehand, and how careful is she to direct all her energies when adding on new bricks?

NY 626
As mothers, we nurture our children from birth and onwards with more than just a healthy, functioning body. We also bestow on them a healthy soul able to believe in Hashem, and to partake of His endless love. But won't it become increasingly more difficult to enrich this soul as it grows unto itself? Rebbetzin Nuestadt shows how to do it - without missing a beat.

NY 626 AA
What chance do we have to raise the children we hope for without understanding our own middos? Who the mother is and what she believes in will enter deeper into a child in ways that a father could never reach. Rebbetzin Neustadt looks at how to accept ourselves as we are, and to see our children for who they are - even if they remind us of something or someone we might dislike.