Children store memories deep within based on events from their childhood. While we are all capable of changing negative messages attached to those experiences, it still calls upon us to question how true those messages are. Rebbitzen Neustadt explains how to instill a belief in Hashem to younger children as a 'stored memory' - and as the primary message they recall.
We must realize that the mesirus nefesh we show in our lives as we suffer through painful circumstances give strength to the souls of our children. Rebbitzen Neustadt gives some powerful messages that we can internalize and relay to our children to help them achieve an ingrained sense of emunah even when facing moments that defy understanding.
What can we say in the face of tragedy and suffering? Rebbitzen Neustadt walks us through some poignant lessons that we can learn from the great people who came before us, teaching us how to hold on to our connection to Hashem with our cry of prayer with tears. As we shed our apathy and connect to our emotions in healthy ways, we help our kids do so as well.
Rebbitzen Neustadt wraps up her wonderful series on chinuch as the Jewish year winds down with Tisha B’Av. Listen to a beautiful class about the Churban, and how despite the tragedy we mourn we are surrounded by so much Geulah in our individual lives. Learn to balance the fine line between mourning and not falling into sadness, feeling the love of Hashem constantly.
Are women more prone to sadness than men? Rebbetzin Neustadt explores the emotional world of women in context of their heightened emotions and their seemingly endless daily routines. Hear how both lead to a sense of completion and satisfaction once you've understood the formula. An excellent class to get a better feel for your reality and to become more appreciative of your lot in life.
What would happen if we compared the Torah to an overnight suitcase full of cut diamonds? Would we unzip it ever so carefully and marvel at all its beauty? Would we picture all the blessings it would add to our lives? Rebbetzin Yitty Neustadt shows how the Torah helps us appreciate all the beauty within, and to feel all the blessings that we shower onto our homes.
How do we tap our tremendous inner strength to form a strong and lasting home? Rebbetzin Neustadt suggests practical ways to figure out who we are and how to clarify our long term goals. Gain insight into the kedusha and tznius within our home, and how to draw the attention we crave in proper ways. Learn also the specific areas we need to be careful with in order to merit good children and a wholesome marriage.
A woman's strengths are very different than a man's. So different that her core and inner fiber is woven deeper within her children then the father could ever achieve. Hear Rebbetzin Neustadt, the daughter of Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, describe the role of nourishing one's family, and how a woman can best keep her vitality and giving fresh for all those under her influence. A charming speaker.
Women have an incredible amount of creative capacity, which unfortunately was what caused Chava to sin. How did Hashem allow us to retain this powerful ability to accomplish while helping us override what we lacked in the beginning?
What exactly is a Woman of Valor? Rebbetzin Neustadt begins this series by explaining how your roles as wife and mother can draw from within deeper emunah in Hashem. Hear the strength a woman possesses if only she'd be willing to work on some of the character traits endemic to the female personality. Treat yourself to pearls of wisdom that remind us of our life's greatest work.