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Title Match: Orlowek, Rabbi Noach
Orlowek, Rabbi Noach on  aishAudio
An expert on childrearing, Rabbi Orlowek is the author of "My Child, My Disciple", and "My Disciple, My Child". An acclaimed educator and counsellor, he is presently mashgiach in Yeshivas Torah Ohr in Jerusalem.
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ON 953 B
It’s natural to want to change a situation that seem to be counter productive or is causing unhappiness. So how do we differentiate when we should try to cope with the problem or try to move away from it? Rabbi Orlowek looks at human tendencies that interfere with ones seeing their situation objectively.
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ON 953 C
In the book of Exodus, God nearly abandons the Jews because they are such a stubborn people. Yet later on, we see that they win God's favor for this very same quality. With the support of fascinating textual sources, Rabbi Orlowek explains how certain personality traits will naturally lead to one's downfall - but when channeled carefully can insure resounding success!
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ON 953 F
Vocalizing what your plans are naturally helps to concretize your resolve. On the other hand it also has a down side of undermining your good intentions to actually follow through. Hear a discussion on the subtleties involved for reaching a sound balance to keep on track.
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ON 953 G
Vocalizing what your plans are naturally helps to concretize your resolve. On the other hand it also has a down side of undermining your good intentions to actually follow through. Hear a discussion on the subtleties involved for reaching a sound balance to keep on track.
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ON 953 K
Actualizing your potential for growth hinges on two preconditions: giving up the attitude of perfectionism, and releasing all our expectations of things we feel entitled to. Hear how to engineer this inner growth to help us be less critical and more forgiving to get us back on track to be the best we can possibly be.
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ON 953 L
Stress has a pervasive way of wreaking havoc in our personal and social life. Rabbi Orlowek's calm, thoughtful words zero in on the simple attitudes, tools and subtle humor needed to fight the twin bullies of stress that sneak up to rob our feelings of security and confidence.
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ON 953 M
To retain more in a shorter period of time, have more peace of mind and healthier relationships, building concentration skills is the shortcut. Learn how to slow down and block out distractions of our frenetic world and create a quiet corner within yourself to grow at your own pace.
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ON 956 B
Many of us are wary of taking on new resolutions. We usually shy away from them unless we can guarantee success. Rabbi Orlowek discusses the proper approach to take on resolutions that ensure lasting results.
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ON 956 C

Your wants are controllable, and you'll probably be held accountable for not paying closer attention to them. Rabbi Orlowek explains that when a person aims toward a specific goal, he's given an extra boost to reach it. This talk is an eye-opener for learning how you can strengthen your ratzon.

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ON 956 D
How much confidence do you have to reach the goals you've set for yourself? Rabbi Orlowek explains the key to success is to clarify both your long-term goals - as portrayed by a ladder; and your short-term goals - as portrayed by the rungs. Come along as he climbs up a few rungs to show you how to build up belief in yourself each step along the way.
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