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Title Match: Tauber, Rabbi Ezriel, ztl
Tauber, Rabbi Ezriel, ztl on  aishAudio
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TE 935 D
How necessary is all our exertion in the world? Maybe we could just allow Hashem to wield a little more control over our lives? Rabbi Tauber clarifies what 'making a living' really means by looking at the manna we ate in the desert, and how the Yissachar - Zevulun relationship works. Hear an interesting approach to weighing your personal level of bitachon to the tasks you face on a daily basis.
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TE 935 E
Which of these two attitudes shows a deeper belief in Hashem? Being able to state with full confidence - that since Hashem is good, He will therefore do what we want. Or, is it the inner strength to hold onto the belief that - Hashem is good, even when we don’t get what we want? A relevant class with a clear antidote for worriers, plus a soothing salve for the unknown destinations our lives may ultimately take.
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TE 935 F
One area in Judaism that so many find vague and indefinable is how to actually apply bitachon. Another puzzling area is the interplay between the Jewish nation and each individual's status. Rabbi Tauber ties these ideas together for a renewed belief of self and all the amazing capacities the Almighty threw into the gift.
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TE 935 F
One area in Judaism that so many find vague and indefinable is how to actually apply bitachon. Another puzzling area is the interplay between the Jewish nation and each individual's status. Rabbi Tauber ties these ideas together for a renewed belief in yourself along with all the amazing capacities the Almighty added to the package.
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TE 936 A
We live in a new age – one where hatred and unknown terror can pounce before we even have a chance to react. As this condition worsens, it becomes much easier to overlook the revelations of Hashem that we've always relied on for meaning in our lives. Hear ideas to help you stay closer in touch during the stormy periods.
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TE 939

Although the world at large worships a full array of empty pursuits, there are many Jews who bring attention to God's guiding hand by sanctifying His name with steadfast actions they perform. Rabbi Tauber enlightens us on the enormous kiddush Hashem women make by bringing Jewish neshamos into the world. An amazing talk on the contributions of Jewish women, and how we learn that women will bring the ultimate redemption.

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TE 941

Most approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with a sense of fear. Rabbi Tauber helps us appreciate these days - even though we'd never ask for them in the first place. Hear what the unique power of the shofar̢s cry is, and what we're really asking for when we ask for life.

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TE 948
Chazal tell us we were given life to work on our middos. Surprisingly, hear why the root of every middah is being grateful for all the good done for us. Rabbi Tauber explains why our birth to parents was specifically to awaken our Hakaras Hatov. Hear also how we can acknowledge our blessings even at those times we impulsively feel the exact opposite.
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TE 951
How do we understand the accusation that 'if the Bais Hamikdash is not built in our days it is as though we destroyed it'? Rabbi Tauber shows how the mind is able to generate an appetite for whatever is missing in life. A powerful class on spiritual growth and how Hashem ensures that we move forward in life.
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TE 958 A
From the wide-eyed young child amazed at the world to the elderly reading National Geographic about far away unknown places, we all seem to possess an insatiable curiosity to understand the world around us. Is this thirst the same drive that pushes us to make the following choice at each fork in the road: one direction of trying to control and master the physical, and the other to opt-in for a life of spiritual growth?
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