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Title Match: Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak on  aishAudio
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founder and director of The Jerusalem Kollel (, is a widely respected authority on Halachah and well known for his telephone tapes on Shmiras Halashon. He is well known as a teacher and lecturer throughout Jerusalem and was ordained at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Jerusalem.
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BY 348 I
Conditional agreements and sales can be complicated. If a condition is not clearly stipulated to all, it may amount to nothing, no matter how logical it is. And even if it is written out, there are times we don't recognize it. Find out how to keep all transactions on the right side of halacha.
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BY 348 J

When you order an item and something else comes to your door, you may have more to think about than the sloppiness of the company who sent it. Are you in the right to demand a new object even if the difference between what you have and what you wanted is minimal? And can the storeowner demand it back to keep his good name, even if you decide youåÕll keep it?

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BY 348 K
Overcharging customers based on their inability to buy anywhere else, or banking on their desperate need for what youåÕre selling, such as in an airport, is dead wrong according to Jewish law. Taking advantage is never OK. But what is considered hiking the price? And can you convince someone to sell an object they intend to hold on to?
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BY 348 L

Interest is actually considered a form of stealing. But what the Torah regards as interest, and what is Ribis DeRabanan are two different things. Rav Berkovits elucidates this complex subject, explaining the appropriate way to lend money without taking a chance of losing it all.

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BY 348 M
In this second shiur on lending with interest, RåÕ Berkovits covers scenarios that are liable to happen to anyone, like returning slightly more than the cup of sugar borrowed from a neighbor. He also explores non-monetary extras people extend to those they are indebted to, such as a special gift, or even a thank you.
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BY 348 N

The topic of damages is one of the most necessary to understand when we deal with others. How responsible are we for ruining someone elses belongings? Very. Rav Berkovits narrows down the category of being totally blameless, and describes the precautions we must take with things that donåÕt belong to us.

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BY 348 O

Rav Berkovits finishes off his series on Hilchos Ben Adam Lechaveiro by clarifying the issues of nezek -damage. Can one break municipal law, such as driving above the speed limit? If one lives in Israel, such issues become very confusing. Giving money to the government can be used to support things that we don't approve of. What can we do about it, especially when the taxation is unreasonable?

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BY 349 A

An understanding of the laws of interpersonal relationships requires a solid grasp of the halachic system. Under what circumstances are we to apply our own logic in deducing what is right and wrong? When are we limited to what the halacha tells us? Rav Berkowitz introduces this series with an outline of when to apply our own sensitivities in the development of halacha. This lecture is "a must" for any serious student of basic Jewish law.

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BY 349 B

What are our halachic responsibilities toward other Jews? At what cost to ourselves should chesed be performed? At what expense to our families? What should our attitude be when taking care of the needs of others? In this fascinating lecture, Rav Berkowitz explores these important issues and their practical ramifications.

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BY 349 C

HaShem visited our Father Avraham when he wasn't feeling so well. Why is visiting the sick considered such an important mitzvah, and are there other concepts included within bikur cholim? Is there a way to evaluate at what point we should not expose ourselves to a patient with a potentially contagious disease? Rav Berkovits goes directly to the heart of the matter and clearly defines the parameters of fulfilling this mitzvah properly.

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