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Title Match: Gans, Mr. Harold
Gans, Mr. Harold on  aishAudio
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GH 800 A
Hear a clear scientific explanation of the Torah's account of creation. Mr. Gans compares updated scientific theories to statements Torah scholars have been making throughout the ages. See if this 'Torah model of creation' sounds as tight as any theory you've heard from the scientific community at large.
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GH 800 B
Will we ever know for sure how old the universe is? In this lecture Mr. Gans examines the following areas; the creation of time on the 2nd day; how light was made from darkness; and why evening comes before day. During the six days of Creation was the length of a day as it is today? And when the Torah tells us that Adam was the first man created in the image of God, maybe he wasn't the first man?



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GH 801 A

Torah Codes: lucky chance or divine design? Everyone is really curious about this one. Harold Gans, an experienced educator who is personally involved in the scientific investigation of the hidden prophesies within the Bible, explains precisely what these spooky codes are, how they were discovered and the awesome odds of them just being interesting coincidences.

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GH 801 B
Are the Torah Codes which have been discovered in the Bible a roll of the dice, or are they Divine design? Harold Gans, who for years has been involved in the scientific investigation of the hidden prophesies in the Bible, explains how they were discovered, precisely what these spooky codes are meant to convey, and with a few choice examples shows what awesome odds there are against them being a random roll of 7/11.
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GH 801 C
If you'd like to experience a remarkable sign of God's existence, just follow Mr. Harold Gans incredible journey from the shock waves of the Big Bang, through an analysis of the age of the universe, and onto startling evidence recently discovered in a simple test tube - which only a Higher Hand could have possibly arranged.
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GH 802
Evolution claims that all living creatures evolved from inorganic matter. Quoting sources from Darwin, experts and scientific journals, Mr Gans presents scientific evidence against and for such a process to occur.
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GH 910
Have you ever wondered why a sunset is so beautiful, a flower so fragrant, or an apple so tasty? What do you think the chances are that God's primary intent is to please us? Using scientific data about the planets, elements and spiritual forces, Mr. Gans describes how the world's incredible beauty is just another 'signature' of His guiding and giving hand.
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GH 915
From a scientific view what transpired at the burning bush to give Moses the courage to say 'Let my people go'? Mr Gans gives a rational account to a number of miracles, plus a plausible message for each of the 10 Plagues - which all in all can lead a person to believe in a One omnipotent God.
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