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Title Match: Kahane, Rabbi Mike
Kahane, Rabbi Mike on  aishAudio
has found 2 results
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KM 783

Isn't the whole point of religion to make me a kind and giving person? If I'm already giving charity and I'm nice and helpful to others, why do I need to be religious? Rabbi Kahane first answers from a theoretical standpoint and then delves into the emotional problem we're always confronted with when trying to kick off unhealthy pleasures.

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Intro 1 Cart Unit 
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KM 783 B
Most people agree that a number of Jewish laws are valuable to fortify a moral world. But how about the side that says good people can coexist without worrying about 'all' the picayune details? To answer, Rabbi Kahane sets the stage by describing why the universe was created in the first place, and what role human 'action' plays in completing a persons good intentions.
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