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Title Match: Kalmanovitz, Rebbetzin V
Kalmanovitz, Rebbetzin V on  aishAudio
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KV 079 A

Tehillim are not just a set of blessings and prayers to be recited during tough times. Rebbetzin Kalmanowitz explains how they purify the person who recites them; how they have the power to dissolve the barriers that separate us from Hashem; how they show us the beauty and the value of the individual and the nation, and how we are to jubilantly sing them during our high times of Simcha.

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KV 079 B
Ever catch yourself saying Tehillim and wishing you could say at least one perek with all your soul? In this passionate session, Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz goes through each pasuk of Chapter 20, which deals with calling out to Hashem in our desperate times of need.
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KV 540 A


In days gone by people shook in fear as they entered Elul, because in truth, does anyone know what’s in store for us during the coming year? Rebbetzin Kalmanovits explains the mercy that underlies judgment, and the overflowing love pouring upon us during this period. Hear a golden opportunity for introspection before you reach the last hectic week of preparations for the Yom Tov.


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KV 606
There is an undercurrent of sadness running beneath the joy marking the Tabernacle's first day of operation. Why was it necessary to transfer the position of high priesthood from Moses to Aaron? Rabbi Kirzner is brilliant at connecting the random dots to draw a picture of the world's deepest purpose, and how each of little selves have a part in actualizing it. What made Aaron the one to receive the exalted role to help move the universe further down the road to its ultimate fulfillment?
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KV 612
Shidduchim can be frustrating for those trying to set singles up, and incredibly painful for all those waiting to find their mate. Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz gives powerful chizuk you can share with single women to help ease the pain. Also hear a bird's eye view of problems plaguing the dating world - both for men and women - and what we can do about it.
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KV 615 B
If we had just a tiny inkling of how precious each Jew truly is, we would be lavishly treating each other with unreserved respect and honor. Learn how unique, irreplaceable and elevated each fellow Jew is, and even though we're prone to sin, it barely tarnishes the brilliance of our eternal soul.
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KV 620
Most women admit to needing an extra hand around the house - and most of those requests usually end up at her husband’s feet. How well do we appreciate our husbands' avodas hakodesh, and the reward for empowering them to achieve that goal? Transform your workload into feeling light by comparison.
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KV 626 A

Chutzpah hurts, not only from its disrespect, but from its busha and total ungratefulness. Some of it stems from the child's ignorance, more from outside influences, but the root is from the child's perception of his parents' behavior. Being the worthy model won't happen overnight, but hearing a clear, passionate discussion on the topic is second best. 

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KV 626 B
As parents, we tend to look back regretfully on mistakes we made with our children. For instance, "I gave in to my two-year old's tantrums too many times this week," "I let my five-year old play with someone I felt was a bad influence," "I haven't spent enough time reviewing my four-year old's weekly parsha sheets" and on and on. While most agree a child's foundation is established before the age of five, there is still much room for growth after these tender years. Learn how to guide the little people in your life beyond the age of five, and how to make up for many of those presumably lost opportunities. (The speaker uses Yiddish words at times)
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KV 637

Ladies, do you feel there is too much animosity amongst women? Can we also appreciate that achdus would bring more of Hashem's presence into our lives? Besides all the small things we could do to prevent fragmentation, realize that extra binah (intuition) was given to bring us closer, to curb our complaining, and to appreciate how working to stay in a good mood can spread peace to everyone within range. An excellent talk.

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