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Title Match: Krohn, Rabbi Paysach
Krohn, Rabbi Paysach on  aishAudio
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KJ 615 C

We all dream of reaching a place of greatness. Stop dreaming and start acting. Growing in the middah of chesed, and actively involving ourselves in the hardships of another is the road to advance one's personal development. Kindness includes loving another like yourself, and not judging others until you are in their place. And don't fret about all the energy you'll need to invest - the more you try, the more good you'll find returning your way.

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KJ 615 D
The best use of words is to build relationships. Controlling the tongue not only helps to find the right marriage partner, but it also opens the channels that grant tefillos. Learn the words that make others feel appreciated, and how to daven for friends in need.
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KJ 615 E

Each of us can help a friend in many ways, regardless if they have lost a job, are struggling to raise their children, or need help with a shidduch. Feeling the confidence to share your wisdom, experience or skills can go a long way in filling whatever lack they feel in their lives. And even if we have nothing tangible to offer, there is still one effective thing we can do for them.

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KJ 616 A

If we were to love everyone as much as we honestly love ourselves could we dare speak a derogatory word about anyone? Tool number one: to avoid lashon hara is to prepare yourself ahead of time. Tool number two: taking care not to misuse your sense of speech, which defines us as human beings. However, a caution, without care we can defile our tongues in our attempts to implement them.

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KJ 616 B
We’re edging closer and closer to the days of the ultimate redemption, and one of the prime tests we face in this momentous age is that of Lashon Hara. This is directly connected to our need to love our fellow man. How can we learn to feel others pain, and truly direct warmth and giving outward? And how can we learn to guard our mouths from the negative speech that we so easily get drawn into?
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KJ 618
Our children pick up all too easily on our sense of responsibility for the tzibbur. Do we drive or park our car in a way that shows whether we consider ourselves more important than anyone else? How important is it that we show our kids the chesed we do? And most crucial – do they see you taking care of yourself enough so that you're better able to can care for others?
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KJ 625
As Rabbi Krohn says, marriage is not really about 'finding' the right partner - it's more about 'being' the right partner. So regardless of how connected you may appear to be, the true glue between you is how well you understand the emotional and spiritual differences between the two of you.
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KJ 626 A

In a classic speech to teachers and principals, Rabbi Krohn makes notice of the fact that people all too often take these selfless and dedicated people for granted. Chinuch is the prime building block for a productive Jewish life, and as such it needs to be handled with care. We have to make sure every child has their chance to acquire Torah, and educate them according to their unique personalities. But how do we balance our students with our family when the two conflict?

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KJ 626 B
A basic principle in chinuch is appreciating the impact parents have as the architects of their children's lives - by how kids imitate what they see ten fold. With this in mind, Rabbi Krohn points out the many influential impressions a parent can model for them to maintain a healthy connection to Yiddishkeit.


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KJ 626 C
Every child has the potential for endless bracha. Our job is to open their channel as wide as possible. Rabbi Krohn shares four important ways parents can help them to become that fitting receptacle. He also explains the three types of children which need an extra special touch. His advice is practical, and his stories, of course, truly inspirational. Hear what it takes to make plenty of room at every table for each of your children.
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