Rabbi Zev Leff is Rav of Moshav Matisyahu, and a renowned lecturer and educator. He is the author of Shiurei Bina - Outlooks & Insights on the Weekly Torah Portion, and most recently, Shemoneh Esrei: The Depth and Beauty of Our Daily Tefillah, published by Targum Press. Visit his website online at www.rabbileff.net.
We often point to the glaring injustice that comes along with the concept of the wicked living 'the good life.' But how deeply do we understand the complexities of the world we're living in? Join Rabbi Leff for an eye-opening class on our limited viewpoint we have, and then explains how davening fits into the larger picture.
Have you ever considered how the ten tests of Avraham's are equally applicable to the tests you face in life? By explaining the significance of Avraham's personal "Lech-Lecha," Rabbi Leff zero's in on the power of the spiritual genes Avraham earned and on his passing them down to us.
By analyzing the relationships that Moshe and Avraham had with Hashem, Rabbi Leff zeroes in on the precise nature of bitachon and emunah. He also explains why a constant review of yetzias mitzrayim helps to strengthen our fundamental belief and trust in Hashem.
Since every human being is created with an innate knowledge that there is a God, the mitzvah of emunah is not to know that there is a God, but to positively acknowledge it. Through stories and humor, Rabbi Leff helps us understand how we can strengthen our emunah to such a degree as to feel it with all of our senses.
Our three main daily prayers stem from the three great patriarchs of our nation: Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. Rabbi Leff gives an introduction on the nature of prayer - and how best to fulfill it. He examines the morning prayer of Shacharis and how it was fashioned to work into our bones the traits of Avraham.
Prayer and a river of tears are Divinely yearned for on Rosh Hashanah. So how are we to understand the statement that the gates of tears are never closed? Learn about this critical day that affects the outcome of your entire year.
Prayer is remarkably effective, but along with tears the level of feelings and sincerity are taken so much deeper. Rabbi Leff discusses why the gates of tears are never closed and examines what this state says about us and the level of our understanding.
We can understand that by creating a more intimate relationship with Hashem through prayer, we are able to improve our inner awareness, but the task of deepening the realization that He is the only One that can affect a change in our lives is a bit formidable. Hear a workable way to alter this crucial perception through prayer.
In this talk Rav Leff explains both the simple and the deeper effects of a blessing, and the reasons why a Jew is enjoined to say so many of them. By highlighting as an example the blessing after a complete meal, he shows the tremendous value of carefully making all the other blessings we say throughout the day.
Are we really expected to thank the ground under our feet for letting us walk on it, or to thank a door for closing behind us? Rabbi Leff explains how hakaras hatov has a far greater definition than gratitude. In this multi-faceted talk, delve into the broader concept of hakaras hatov to begin appreciating the myriad sources of 'good' in your life. Hear also how this concept expands its influence within Eretz Yisroel.