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Title Match: Leff, Rabbi Zev
Leff, Rabbi Zev on  aishAudio
Rabbi Zev Leff is Rav of Moshav Matisyahu, and a renowned lecturer and educator. He is the author of Shiurei Bina - Outlooks & Insights on the Weekly Torah Portion, and most recently, Shemoneh Esrei: The Depth and Beauty of Our Daily Tefillah, published by Targum Press. Visit his website online at
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LZ 540 A

Rabbi Leff seamlessly ties together the concepts of loving one another to becoming spiritually refined vis-a-vis God. What is it that prevents us from seeing that every human being in the world is necessary, and that other Torah-approved paths for reaching Hashem may be just as valid as yours?

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LZ 540 C

 It’s that time of year again when we take stock not only of the year that passed, but of life itself. Rabbi Zev Leff examines what LIFE consists of on its varied levels, and the significance of every action we perform.




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LZ 540 D

How are we to relate to Rosh HaShana when year after year we know that horrible people are judged for death, yet they continue living healthy, prosperous lives? Even harder to understand is how righteous tzadikim, who by all rights are entitled to great blessings may unexpectedly die, or continue suffering? Rabbi Zev Leff articulates the deeper reality of this enigmatic question, and defines the different forms of judgement that Hashem portions out.

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LZ 540 E
People often bandy about the idea of repentance, but how is it practically done? Rabbi Leff gives an in-depth analysis exploring the phenomenal gift of teshuva that reverses ones spiritual damage that should have been beyond repair. He focuses on the three step process for returning to God, with a deeper explaination of what each stage is meant to accomplish.
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LZ 542 B

Standing before God on Rosh Hashanah makes a powerful statement of intention. The divisions in the Machzor represent our connection to God, evaluating our worth and the impact of our actions. Rav Leff gives a moving reminder of God’s importance to you, and your significance to Him.

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LZ 544

Rabbi Leff focuses on the ultimate purpose of viduy during Yom Kippur. How does viduy crack through layers of falsehood to enter the hidden areas of your soul? An inspiring and valuable shiur.

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LZ 550 A
The huge miracles that God performed against the Greek Empire were barely mentioned, but a little 'cruz of oil that burned for eight days' became the top miracle of Chanukah. Rabbi Leff relates an insidious virus of Greek origin that continues to threaten our day to day existence, and why this tiny miracle is by far our best reminder.
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LZ 550 B
Why thank Hashem for the victory over the Greek’s, didn't He put us under their thumb in the first place? Rabbi Leff takes a deeper look at the beauty of Greek culture, and how its allure sidetracks people from true spirituality. Learn the attraction of doing mitzvos for the most part externally and how the Chanukah struggle is a cure for this debilitating disease.
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LZ 550 C

Why thank Hashem for the victory over the Greek’s, didn't He put us under their thumb in the first place? Rabbi Leff takes a deeper look at the beauty that marks Greek culture, and how its allure sidetracks people from true spirituality. Learn the attraction of doing mitzvos for the most part externally and how the Chanukah struggle is a cure for this debilitating disease. 

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LZ 550 D

How do physical and spiritual forces connect, and work together? Rabbi Leff examines the concepts of performing symbolic acts, dreams and miracles to show how the spiritual realm is able to be manipulated - with care. A different look at the powers of Chanukah.

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