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Title Match: Leff, Rabbi Zev
Leff, Rabbi Zev on  aishAudio
Rabbi Zev Leff is Rav of Moshav Matisyahu, and a renowned lecturer and educator. He is the author of Shiurei Bina - Outlooks & Insights on the Weekly Torah Portion, and most recently, Shemoneh Esrei: The Depth and Beauty of Our Daily Tefillah, published by Targum Press. Visit his website online at
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LZ 615 C
How possible is it for us to curb the natural differences we have with certain neighbors from boiling over? Rabbi Leff shows us the deeper unifying concept of ‘celebrating our differences’ by adding its practical halachos and successful ways for dwelling more harmoniously. 
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LZ 615 D
Could you imagine yourself doing something in public that may not appear so kosher, but is really the right thing to do? Hear Rabbi Leff's insights on true sensitivity that lend themselves to stronger, warmer relationships, and can add a deeper dimension to the finer moments of your life. Learn also to balance your personal needs against the needs of others.
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LZ 615 E
With all the different approaches to Judaism - Chassidic, Sephardi, Ashkenazi, and each having its own sub-varieties, it's hard NOT to judge each others' differing approaches to observance. Rabbi Leff explains how to rise above this judgmental attitude of putting our fellow Jews into compartmentalized stereotypes.
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LZ 615 F
It is common knowledge that our environment has a tremendous affect on our actions and what kind of people we become as a result. Is it possible to remain impervious to the bombardment of our surroundings? Rabbi Leff explores the mechanics of how the world around us slowly wears down our faculty of choice to levels we'd never believe possible.
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LZ 615 G
Granted those who possess a decent morality would never stoop to homicide, even if they lived in a violent city. But how do convictions crumble with values that aren't so black and white? Rabbi Leff looks at the pulls which affect our bechira free will choices, and examines how even the simple exposure to negativity over time can erode the integrity of our beliefs.
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LZ 615 H
There are three not so helpful midos that interfere with getting to know more about: ourselves, others, the Torah and Hashem. Rabbi Leff explains the process for overcoming each specific inner barrier, and what practical steps we can take to create warmer, closer relationships.
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LZ 616 B
The power of speech is a unique gift that sets humans apart from other living beings. How much do the words we say really matter? What is the worst that could possibly happen from the lashon harah we say? Rabbi Leff explains these concepts and emphasizes that speaking well of each other will upgrade the vital connection between our words and actions. He further explains how speech is the greatest tool for connecting man to man, as well as between man and God.
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LZ 616 C

In this inspiring talk, Rabbi Leff enumerates all the benefits of positive speech, from enhancing your personal dignity to increasing the unity amongst Klal Yisrael.

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LZ 616 D
It has been justifiably noted that all the terrible things that have ever befallen the Jews are a direct result of lashon hara, derogatory speech. Rabbi Leff digs down to the core roots of this very tenacious opponent.
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LZ 617 A

Curbing negative speech could be more successful by tracing it back to its root source. Rabbi Leff describes various punishments that visit a speaker of Lashon Hara and the deeper character flaws that led to it. He also looks at jealousy, arrogance and the feeling of self-worth.

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