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Levy, Rabbi Chaim
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LH 500
In the first class of the Ben Ish Chai Halacha series, our guide Rabbi Chaim Levy draws upon the perspective of the Sephardic luminaries to explain the role and function of Halacha in our daily lives. He shows how Halacha is transformed from seemingly simple actions into the key for understanding the Will of Hashem. Rabbi Levy also explains the format he plans to take in not only in teaching the Ben Ish Chai, but also in expounding on other sources, along with a broad picture of all the major contemporary authorities of the Sephardic world. He uses this introduction to retell some amazing stories about the Ben Ish Chai, and sets the stage for the first set of Halachot - Tsitsit.

LH 501 A
Ever wonder why observant Jews are always washing their hands? Rabbi Levy shares with us the Ben Ish Hai's significant insights regarding the mystifying powers of water and purity.

LH 501 B
What should you do if you forgot to wash your hands in the morning? And what's the procedure for washing your hands if you slept during the day? Also hear special words of advice from the sages on raising young children to remain spiritually pure.

LH 501 C
There are numerous situations that necessitate Netillat Yadayim, for instance: after using the bathroom or cutting one's hair and fingernails. Rabbi Levy wraps up with all the practicalities of this important mitzvah. Sephardic Halachot

LH 501 D
We are all familiar with our human body, but the Ben Ish Hai sees all the body's intricate spiritual connections. Listen to how the physical body and all its mundane functions are linked to the struggle between good and bad.

LH 501 E
Hear a snapshot of some of the elementary laws of modesty and physical cleanliness. This discussion highlights how the Torah guides us through every facet of our lives - physically and spiritually.

LH 502 A
Rabbi Levy first explains the concept of kavanah (intention) and continues by showing what part it plays in the fulfillment of a mitzvah. As you prepare to recite the beracha of tzitzit, what should you have in mind? Also, how do I go about fitting myself for the right size tzitzit?

LH 502 B
Ok! So now we know how to make the Beracha and what the minimum size a Tallit needs to be, but how is one to wear it? Hear how the Ben Ish Chai donned his own Tallit, and what the specific details are to help us perform this mitzvah properly. In addition, Rabbi Levy also tells the amazing life story of the Ari z"l, the master kaballist who continues to have a great influenced on Jewish practice and Sephardic life.

LH 502 C
Wool and cotton - what's the difference - besides the price? Should I place tzitzit over my plastic raincoat? Rabbi Levy takes a detour to explain how Rabbi Yosef Karo constructed his monumental Shulchan Aruch.

LH 502 D
Putting together all the loose ends of tzitzit: How did the staircase pattern of the strings get into how we tie the tzitzit? Let's get technical with machine tzitzit - how good could they really be? How long do the strings need to be? In a special feature, Rabbi Levy reveals some not so common Sephardic sources and dives into the depths of tzitzit and how it ties in with all the 613 mitzvot in mind.