What do doubles, the Avos, and Ma’aras Hamachpela have in common? Join Rabbi Lopiansky for an informative class which takes us back to Adam HaRishon, and then fast forward to appreciate the huge improvement our Avos made to the workings of spirituality. Hear why burial is so important and how it came to be.
It seems that from the start, Esav had the cards stacked against him. How could he be considered evil before he was even born? The means to an end is actually neutral åÐ it is only when it breaks away and becomes an entity of its own that havoc breaks loose. Learn where Esav fit into this cycle that was set into place the moment darkness came before light during creation.
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
The puzzling cycle seems to begin where Rachel and her two sons are taking leadership positions for our nation. But as their strength waned Leah and her children began assuming the mantle - and were able to reach the desired goal. The traits of these two women and the roles they took on for developing Klal Yisrael are examined.
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
YaakovåÕs fight with the angel of Esav seems to be very unfair, pitting a mere man against an angel. This third Av was able to stand apart from all of his worldly belongings, using them solely to serve Hashem as opposed to being reliant on them for sustenance. Learn the finer point between the physical world and the spiritual world, and how the ability to break out of a set system to achieve change was something Yaakov achieved and we were granted as our reality - which also allowed him to challenge a G-dly creature and win.
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
As big as a person can be, they are limited. YosefåÕs greatness, which was intrinsic to him, was forced to end, while YehudaåÕs lasted forever. Rabbi LopianskyåÕs careful analysis of these two great men leads to an understanding of what the basic Greek worldview was, and how Chanuka was able to combat this message.
What special relationship existed between Yaakov and Yosef, and why, despite all their similarities, is Yosef the one with the power to destroy the evil Esav? What was Yosef’s unique power beyond that of Yaakov? Learn about ‘depth of eyesight’, and how Yosef’s purity enhanced this sense to its fullest potential, turning all he gazed at into kedusha.