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Title Match: Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie
Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie on  aishAudio
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MX 639 Q

Being a good wife is a big job on it's own, but when caught between family members and your husband, the picture becomes much fuzzier, and the stakes higher. Both these women found themselves in this struggle. Michal between her love for her spouse and her father, and Avigail with David and a wicked husband. An important class that delineates the wisdom and tact these women dealt with their situation.

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MX 639 T

Mrs Bonnie Mansour looks at the lives of three seldom discussed Torah personalities to find unique strengths we can emulate. How did Rachav, a woman of ill-repute elevate herself to marry a leader of Israel? Hear how Hulda's descendant reached the level of prophecy while retaining an incredible level of compassion. And how Batsheva's combination of regal beauty and spiritual greatness brought her to share David's throne.

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MX 639 U
The winds of change and enlightenment were blowing through Europe, which was not good news for the Jews. Most affected were the young girls, who attended government schools and denied hearing anything about the richness of their heritage. This interesting class builds the powerful personality of Sarah Schneirer, the mother of the Beis Yaakov movement, a woman who was as modest as she was inspiring.
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MX 639 V
Rebbetzin Braunstein was a remarkable lady. Her kallah classes were legendary. As a principal she was a mother to all, and program director for a major summer girls camp. She was also a main instigator for the massive religious turnabout in the Syrian community. During her last fifteen years she struggled with an illness, without anyone knowing. Mrs. Mansour takes a powerful look at an incredible person, and the unforgettable lessons we only marvel at.
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MX 816
Mrs Bonnie Mansour presents a fascinating peek into the life of Leah. This matriarch struggled to avoid marrying the evil Esau and eventually won the hand of the righteous Yaakov, albeit at the expense of her younger sister Rachel. She then rose from disfavor to become the principle wife of Yaakov. Leah's story, so beautifully told, offers a fresh perspective of the woman, along with a glimpse of where she drew her aspirations from.
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MX 818
Miriam, Moshes' sister, tread the path to determined expression of self. She used her power of speech to accomplish many things, yet always maintained a strong belief that God is the Boss. This articulate role model reminds women to use the clarity of their voice, thoughts, and actions, both openly and behind the scenes to usher in our final redemption.
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MX 930 A

Tax season is long over, but there's always cheshbon ha'nefesh (personal accounting) which are the debits and credits of our soul. Mrs. Bonnie Mansour explains how you can measure the growth you've made, and where extra attention is needed. To be introspective is tough at first, but the reward of knowing yourself better and feeling closer to God will pay off big time in wisdom and self respect.

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MX 930 C
Not feeling 'full of yourself' is a hidden state of arrogance that is different from boasting about your talents or accomplishments. Humility is an inner strength we possess that clearly manifests itself in how we relate to others - especially to those we see as inferior. Bonnie Mansour, Mrs. Practicality, points out how to see the shadows of haughtiness within our lives, and how to gently move beyond them to a more pleasant way of being.
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MX 930 G
Did you know it's a mitzvah to be happy? This implies that every time we focus on being happy with the material things we have, and avoid thinking about those things we think might make us happier, we can chalk up another mitzvah! Hear some great tips on putting yourself in a good mood, and for helping you appreciate all the good things you do have in life - even if some of them may go against your grain from time to time.
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MX 930 H
During the time you are experiencing a setback, do you ask yourself how you will feel about it 10 years down the road? Now ask yourself how often you use this same 'look to the future' approach when trying to comfort someone else experiencing a setback? To what extent does the approach we use for sizing up the events in our life have on our overall state of happiness? One of the several items Mrs. Mansour discusses is how curbing a critical eye can allow more natural joy to surface in one's life.
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