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Miller Karlinsky, Rebbetzin Nechama
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MN 540
On Rosh Hashana we refrain from expressing our joy through Hallel because our judgment may not turn out so favorably. And yet, don't the Rabbis say we should be positive on Rosh Hashana since Hashem tears up His harsh decrees against us? Rebbetzin Karlinsky sorts out this contradiction, and explains why it leads to personal greatness and Klal Yisrael's eternal existence.

MN 541 A
How do we understand that by saying certain specific verses Hashem will give us a year of blessing? Rebbetzin Karlinsky examines the tefillos that we say and the underlying concepts hidden within. Learn the power of the Akeidah that was implanted within us, and what areas we’re being judged for during the first day, and during the second day of Rosh Hashana.

MN 544
The famous question asked is: if all our merits and mistakes of the past year were equal, why not just do one extra mitzvah to tip the scale, alleviating the need for repentance altogether? An excellent class explaining the strength that teshuva has in and of itself to grant forgiveness.

MN 606 A
Wouldn't it be nice to know how to lighten your load and to shake off the blues during all the ups and downs of life? Hear the eight variations of joy that we're instructed to use for brightening up our world during the unsettling times in our life.

MN 606 B
Rebbetzin Karlinsky is not just a teacher - she is an 'inspiration specialist.' In this exciting session, she discusses to what extent a positive disposition occurs from external circumstances or from one's inner simcha. Her imaginative articulation and captivating stories may add extra strength to face the new day with a brighter spirit and a lighter step.

MN 606 C
All human beings want happiness. In fact, God wants us to be in a state of joy even more than we do. Rebbetzin Karlinsky discusses being joyous even when we're in pain, and how reaching for a higher level of faith will help us ride over troubling times. She also discusses the necessity to set time aside for things we enjoy, plus tips on being a more joyful role model in the home.

MN 608
Unity is always a cherished state for Bnei Yisrael to achieve, as indeed we hear whenever we begin splitting into separate camps. Hear the complexities of compromise and the surprising statements we unwittingly make when we're not truly standing up for God’s values. Does this imply that a fight may be necessary?

MN 616
Speech stems from deep within our souls. Misusing the tongue bruises the neshama in fundamental ways. The question is, if Lashon Hara brings on such a strong reaction, shouldn't it be obvious to nip it in the bud? Learn how to view yourself as Hashem sees you, rather then seeing yourself through the eyes of society.

MN 626 A
In order to shine the fire of Torah into others we must first grasp the nature of the fire within ourselves. Rebbetzin Karlinsky bases her discussion on the chashivus of Torah, Mitzvos and Chesed, and the self-chinuch needed to generate an inner vitality that has the power to ignite others in the same way.

MN 637
Rebbetzin Miller-Karlinsky explores the devotion of those who dedicate their lives to learning and teaching Torah, and how we ourselves can find a similar niche within Torah as well. Listen to beautiful stories of regular people who found their very own 'purpose' within the world of Torah.