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Milstein, Rabbi Yerachmiel
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MI 001
åÒIn the beginning, G-d createdåÉåÓ These famous words lose some of their glitter when put alongside the many popular scientific theories that saturate our society. After all, what about the Big Bang, evolution, and the world being at least 8 billion years old? Rabbi Milstein looks between these divine lines and quotes ancient writings that show how the sages of old were light years ahead of current scientific discoveries ÌâåÐ and that after all is said and done, the gap between science and Torah is really a lot closer than it appears.

MI 002
Calm down! Unfortunately, most of us have heard this before, and for good reason. Indeed, Noach was blessed with a tranquil and unruffled nature as the meaning of his name suggests. But are there times when peaceful acceptance of the world around you prevents necessary action to be taken? Rabbi Milstein explores the meaning behind the term "cool," and why the floodwaters were called after Noach's name.

MI 003
There is a gaping hole in the Torah between the mention of Abraham's birth, and God's command that he leave his birthplace at the age of 75. Rabbi Milstein travels some of the unmentioned paths that Abraham took in between when he discovered how we all can know that God exists, and the irrefutable logic he used to understand what God expected of him, and what He expects from all of us.

MI 004 B
God brought an unbearable heat wave to ensure that no guests would cause Avraham extra strain as he recuperated from his circumcision. When God saw how he desperately wanted guests, angels disguised as men were sent to his desert oasis. Why did God, who foresees everything, bother making it so hot in the first place? And further, why did God command Avraham to sacrifice his son when He knew he would obey Him without hesitation?

MI 005
At a very tragic moment so difficult to understand, Sarah dies on hearing the news of Abraham's attempted sacrifice of Isaac. Where is her just reward for all she put out for God's honor? Rabbi Milstein explores the concept of 'regretting actions', and the ruination that follows at its heels.

MI 006 A
There was an intense struggle within Rebecca's womb between her twin sons Jacob and Esau. What were they fighting about, and why was Rebecca so distressed about it? Shortly after the birth, Esau's evil nature became obvious to all - except Isaac. Is it possible to understand how such a holy man could be so easily fooled?

MI 007
Jacob is robbed of all his worldly possessions by his nephew Elifaz on his flight to his uncle's home. Surprisingly, the deed was done in the name of "Honor thy father and thy mother". How can we comprehend the paradox of evil done in the name of good? Rabbi Milstein tackles this question, and Laban's twisted dealings with Jacob's wages, and how it all ties in to having unflinching faith in God.

MI 007 B
Why would the Torah which is so careful with each word it expends bother describing Jacob's conversation with a group of shepherds and his removing a big rock that was covering their well? Hear an eye-opening lesson on the tremendous success a human being can attain when he puts a full heart into something.

MI 008
The scene that awaited Jacob on his return to the Land of Israel was very frightening. His brother Esau's hatred and anger toward him still raged, and he and his brutal army were waiting to crush him and his entire family. Hear the ways Jacob prepared himself to meet his nemesis, and how his steadfast equanimity brought him to the success we all struggle for.

MI 008 B
In this week's Torah portion Yaacov appears to be relying on miracles, but don't we understand that doing so is inappropriate? Hear how the world of the 'miraculous' and the world of 'nature' seamlessly blend together for the truly righteous souls. How do we get past statistics and what 'should be' to reach a freedom where 'the sky's the limit' for all we wish to accomplish?