Anyone who has reached a certain age understands that life presents difficulties to each individual. As much as we hope that our children will not need to suffer, it behooves us to give them the ultimate tool that will help them with their inevitable struggles. Rebbetzin Neustadt gives a powerful class on teaching emunah to our children.
Thinking well of your children will affect how they feel about themselves - on a soul level. Just as we hope for good, doesn't good often follow? Hear how this 'rule of will' also works in the spiritual realm. Rebbetzin Neustadt gives an absorbing class on drawing down a positive flow from Above, and developing positive desires in your children.
Some children are later bloomers than others. It must be remembered that we must appreciate the uniqueness and good within each of our children and allow that expression. How can we as mothers find pleasure within the never-ending flow of tasks and jobs by finding the belief in ourselves and the belief in our offspring?
How do we raise our children with a sense of belief in Hashem and His intrinsic goodness? When we bring ourselves to a true sense of trust in our Creator, this is something our children pick up on and absorb. Learn how to bring a sense of G-d's mercy and love with us no matter what we face.
Why is Purim considered such a spiritual day? At face value, it seems to be the exact opposite, with physical revelry and noise seeming to be the order of the day. Learn about the deepest identity of a Jew, and how that stems from the mother and what she gives her children. This sense of who we are is what truly shines through on this joyous day.
The power of Pharoah was the capacity to believe in absolutely nothing of truth. Despite the fact that the events of our slavery in Mitzrayim happened so long ago, this false worldview still clings to us. Rebbitzen Neudstat details some of our thought processes that reflect a lack of faith in Hashem. What can help us let go of our egos, and how is the work of preparing for Pesach an
Women today perform an unbelievable balancing act, between trying to build strong marriages, bringing up their children, holding down jobs, cooking and cleaning. Rebbitzen Neustadt gives a lot of encouragement for our hard work on our middos as we try to maintain calm and good cheer amidst all of the pressures and responsibilities. Can it be that women nowadays are, in certain ways, more developed than those in previous generations?
We must educate our children on a physical level, making sure they brush their teeth, eat well, and learn to follow norms of behavior. However, the souls of our offspring must be guided as well. How do we teach them from a tender age to believe completely in Hashem? Rebbetzin Neustadt explains how we must deepen our own emunah in Hakadosh Baruch Hu and ourselves, how to give over a joy in Judaism, and how to help our kids make peace with the package they’ve been given.
Lag Ba’Omer is more than bonfires and songs. It stands for the innermost aspects the Torah. Hear about the electrical charge within Torah and how it grows stronger as its depth of wisdom opens up. Rebbetzin Neustadt explains how men and women differ in their capacities and spiritual propensities, and how exactly to find your own portion in Torah.
How do we help our husbands, children, and ourselves connect to Torah? Rebbitzen Neustadt helps us prepare for Shavuos as she explains why it is such a necessity in our lives. Our capacity to receive and achieve the best the world can offer by immersing ourselves in Hashem’s words cannot be underestimated. As women, we must daven that our men folk are worthy of it, and bring ourselves to take part in it as well.