An expert on childrearing, Rabbi Orlowek is the author of "My Child, My Disciple", and "My Disciple, My Child". An acclaimed educator and counsellor, he is presently mashgiach in Yeshivas Torah Ohr in Jerusalem.
The Yetzer Hara is very crafty in drawing us away from Hashem in ways we barely notice. A tzaddik can nevertheless remain stable despite this unpredictable state of affairs. Rabbi Orlowek discusses the value of being aware of your smallest actions, thereby gaining to see the cumulative effect of your actions - which can help to stabilize your perception of the world.
The yetzer hara manifests itself through two mediums, 'mischadesh', which preys upon one's mind and intellectual powers, and 'misgaber', which takes advantage of the times when our mind is 'on pause.' Hear clear examples of both forces and learn how the secret weapon of 'automatic pilot' can help to vanquish this formidable foe.
Rabbi Orlowek's calm and organized approach to the difficulties people experience with new 'beginnings' centers around how yiras shamayim plays such a pivotal role in the success of the endeavor. Weaving together an intricate network of ideas, Rabbi Orlowek further describes which types of learning have a more lasting power, and which instills you with more purpose and drive to help your Torah come alive.
Having faith is an important idea, but how does one do it? Rabbi Orlowek spends some time developing the true meaning of the word 'emunah', and shows how this definition clarifies so many of the mysterious ideas that are referenced to it in the Torah.
Focusing on emunah, Rabbi Orlowek explains, can bring one to true happiness and dispel the causes of laziness and depression. Such an attitude will improve our lives and have a positive ripple effect on our relationships with others. Hear an enlightening talk about deepening your basic emunah.
What function besides anguish can there possibly be to entertain questions, doubts and worries which probably won't be resolved during our lifetime? Rabbi Orlowek guides us to a deeper sense of feeling beloved by Hashem, and how all those things we just can’t understand won't bother us much any more.
In our youth our vision for perfection was 'the sky's the limit'. However, God's blueprint of creation has a built-in spiritual "cash and carry policy". With cash on hand, you can buy, but if you break something, you must pay. Fortunately, God knew that as mortals we wouldn't be able to balance our books with such an exacting policy, so He also fashioned the world with a "credit policy" - the attribute of mercy. Hear how this important concept applies to making these lofty dreams of our youth come true.
Greeting someone with a smile has a much greater effect than we realize. We can also have great difficulties with others simply because we have already developed strengths in areas they lack. Join Rabbi Orlowek as he explains how to allow others to excel in their strong areas as you skillfully contribute your developed expertise. A great talk for improving social skills.
The story of Esther̢s success in saving her nation from annihilation came with a fierce personal struggle. Her ability to picture her destiny in God̢s ultimate plan, and her courageous will to fill that gap despite the terrible personal sacrifice holds important lessons we can all benefit from.
There are two distinct levels of fulfilling a commandment. The first is to act according to ones comprehension of it. The second is to love what one is doing, and do it solely because Hashem tells us to. Rabbi Orlowek clarifies the specific change that transpired at Har Sinai that brought the entire nation to totally accept His authority - a level that even the Avos were unable to attain.