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Title Match: Orlowek, Rabbi Noach
Orlowek, Rabbi Noach on  aishAudio
An expert on childrearing, Rabbi Orlowek is the author of "My Child, My Disciple", and "My Disciple, My Child". An acclaimed educator and counsellor, he is presently mashgiach in Yeshivas Torah Ohr in Jerusalem.
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ON 525 C

The Haggadah was designed to be given over in ‘question & answer' format – to awaken and teach us about this Pesach epic over and over again from scratch. Rabbi Orlowek explains how this carefully constructed classic shows us the most effective way to stimulate interest, and how to draw out feelings to experience the hardships and miracles our nation experienced in Egypt. In other words, hear some well-honed advice on keeping you kids awake and involved.


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ON 527
Pesach, followed by Counting the Omer leads us forward to accepting the Torah on Shavuos. Rabbi Orlowek explains the ascending journey towards building the complete individual. Also hear why we celebrate Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's day of death so joyously.
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ON 528 A
A: Before discussing the month of Iyar and how it prepares us to accept the Torah, Rabbi Orlowek explains the way to hear a Kabbalistic source, and how one is emotional capacity and intrinsically connected to learning Torah on the deepest level.
B: The month of Iyar was created with the 'Vav,' the sixth letter of the Alef-Beis. The continuity of this letter and the stability within it connects to the essence of our work this month. An esoteric class on Iyar as the bridge from Pesach and Shavuos, which underscores ones individuality.
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ON 528 C

E: We esteem different categories of people, including the elderly, the wise, our parents, and those in positions of authority. What is the underlying reason for giving honor to others? Rabbi Orlowek̢s response helps us understand the behavior of Rabbi Akiva̢s students, and upon contemplation, gives a very profound appreciation for those we deal with and ourselves.
F: Torah SheBa̢al Peh, which is celebrated on Lag Ba̢Omer, has a unique quality. Rabbi Akiva was the primary disseminator of the Oral Torah, and was passed on through his students. What is the internal quality of this vast body of wisdom, and how did Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai̢s death bring about even more of this knowledge?

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ON 528 D

G: Those who represented the Oral Torah were also disseminators of unity and peace, not coincidentally. Rabbi Orlowek proves that in order to access this vast body of Torah, there must be a capacity to connect with others. Listen in for a fascinating exposition on how this reaching out must begin with a love of self in order to branch out in a healthy procession.
H: Rabbi Orlowek examines part of davening to help us remember some of the most basic fundamentals in regard to Torah. From understanding the natural path of the world to how the angels work in harmony, we follow a path of how to be successful in learning the word of Hashem.

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ON 528 E
Lag B'Omer is the holiday that commemorates the oral Torah. This day is the best time to plead for greater success in learning Torah, for you and your loved ones. The lives of Aaron HaCohen and Rebbe Akiva, pillars of the oral Torah, are presented as beautiful examples of striving souls reaching out for this treasure of treasures.
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ON 529 A
Shavuos is a time of great simcha, but if a small measure of that special spice called yirah (fear/awe) is not mixed in, the value of this precious gift cannot be fully appreciated, and will lack the extra taste to upgrade and recharge your learning during the coming year. An interesting speaker.
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ON 529 B

Shavuos is the holiday we learn how to listen better. On that day we renew our commitment for learning and to remember all we need to do. Rabbi Orlowek explains the four elements to succeed in Torah, and the two fundamental principles to listen more carefully.

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ON 529 C
Many are familiar with the excitement and self-discovery that Torah learning creates, but hear of other not so obvious dimensions that were created at Sinai for adding more wonder and curiosity to your learning.
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