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Title Match: Pliskin, Rabbi Zelig
Pliskin, Rabbi Zelig on  aishAudio
Pliskin, Rabbi Zelig Rabbi Pliskin is the author of more than a dozen self-development books, including "My Father, My King", "Guard Your Tongue", and "Marriage". He is a popular Aish HaTorah lecturer, marriage counselor and guidance counselor for personal growth. He learned in the Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland, and the Brisk Yeshiva in Israel.
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PZ 615 B


Ahavas Yisrael - treating other Jews with proper respect is a tall order if the only thing you can see is their annoying flaws - in technicolor. But short of interviewing their mom, most will agree that every person has positive traits. Rabbi Pliskin explains how to see another's good qualities while blocking their negative traits which takes up valuable emotional space in your heart. A fountain of classical wisdom on character development.


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PZ 617

People with a good eye see the world in a positive light, regardless how unpleasant it may appear. Join Rabbi Pliskin for an amazing lesson on extracting and feeling the good in every situation that comes your way. Learn a simple yet profound tool for brightening your 'good eye.'

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PZ 626 A

How can we teach our children about guarding their speech when we have the same problem ourselves? Rabbi Pliskin suggests an approach that is less behavioral and more based on attitude, which will automatically affect ones speech. Such attitudes Include feeling another's pain, valuing your own self-worth, dealing with the complaints we have against others, and fighting the desire to share questionable item of interest.

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PZ 626 B
There are five areas of one's mindset that affect what we say: How we view the concept of derogatory speech; how we understand of the power of words; our feelings towards others and how we label them; our way of relating to the faults of others; and how we react when we hear others speaking Lashon Hara. Rabbi Pliskin boils down decades of insight to upgrade the quality of your speech and your life.
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PZ 684

To share your appreciation of Judaism's beauty with others, first learn to speak one of the three “languages” other people resonate with - be it visual, auditory, or emotional. Hear how to motivate others to pause and consider each of your points from their own perspective. A useful talk for improving communication skills and those involved in outreach.


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PZ 691 A


Kiruv is not about giving over a lot of information. It is more about positioning Judaism as an experience for people to explore. A few of the main ingredients needed for Kiruv are persistence, sincerity and spotting what a person is interested in. Rabbi Pliskin gives a breakdown of four different personality types and how to approach each of them successfully.


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PZ 907

What we perceive is objective, but how we view it is very much based on our mindset. Rabbi Pliskin's dynamic class on sharpening your eye is full of practical tools to help you 'choose' positive aspects in people and situations. But just how possible is this to do without being naive? Hear an excellent answer.

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PZ 937

Carrying 'guilt' into Rosh Hashanah because of the negative deeds we've done is not very productive. But aren't we told that 'regret' is important to feel? Rabbi Pliskin explains how the balance of these two extremes can sweeten Divine judgment. Hear how a human being comes to forgive another, and how to show true care for the people in your life.

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PZ 937 B
Do Torah laws take into account feelings of moral anxiety? Join Rabbi Pliskin's energetic search to resolve the obvious tension that takes place within the phenomenon of teshuva. Learn to deal with others who hurt you, and to perceive yourself as truly wanting to change.
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PZ 953 A

The famous Vilna Gaon expressed the following idea, If a person is not working to fix his character traits, so what is he working on? Rabbi Pliskin identifies the key positive and negative traits which are the basis of most traits. Hear how 'resolving to change,' and 'asking for Divine help' play a vital role in balancing your overall temperament.

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