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Rosenblum, Rabbi Sender on |

How does haughtiness affect many other character traits, and conversely, how is humility a shortcut to achieving yiras shamayim? Hear an incredible story about Rabbi Chaim Kafusi, who was a Rav in Egypt, and the power of refusing to accept bribes. And is it enough to refrain from wrongdoing, or are we expected to actively do good?

What are helpful tools in combating the yetzer hara that dogs our step no matter where we run? And how does fighting it in areas that are a bit more gray give us power to overcome it when it gives us a hard push to do something blatantly wrong? And where do thoughts of sin fit into the overall picture of wrongdoing - are they perhaps less serious transgressions?

Tzeddaka is the ultimate paradox - you are so sure you're giving away, but in reality it is a huge investment opportunity. And from where in this week's parsha do we learn to maintain our Jewish pride? Also included in the portion is doing mitzvos with enthusiasm - and how is that a tremendous tool for raising our children?

What are four reasons behind bikurim - giving the first fruits to Hashem? Sometimes it seems the nations of the world are on top - how do we understand that despite what we see, the 3rd Beit Hamikdash is being built constantly? Rabbi Rosenblum explains with a beautiful mashal of understanding what is going on as a building is constructed.

How does this portion show that every Jew, no matter how ordinary has a valuable job to accomplish within the framework of the Jewish nation? And how do we se that each individual has the ability to become a leader? Along with a discussion of the Torah's accessibility.

This parsha is always read the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah, and the portion is full of hints to those awesome days. What lessons can we find to help us prepare for the New Year? And how do we see that the days from the 15th of Av until Hoshana Rabah are especially set aside for repentance?