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Spiro, Rabbi Ken
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KE 806 NN
From 1791-1915, 40% of world Jewry was confined to an area small in size - but very great in spirit. This 'Pale of Settlement' gave rise to a sophisticated social welfare system, the modern-day yeshiva, and the Mussar movement. Constant Czarist persecution and bloody pogroms eventually forced the Jews en masse to join anarchist, communist, socialist, or bundist movements bent on changing a backwards Russia, or escaping to the "goldene medina" - America.

KE 806 O
The amazing story of the Jewish influence on the birth of American democracy was a well-kept secret. In what ways did the code of ethics of the Hebrew Bible affect the Puritans, the Founding Fathers, and their Declaration of Independence? And how did the face of American Jewry veer off so sharply a hundred years later into Reform and Conservative - thereby rejecting 3300 years of Torah tradition?

KE 806 OO
One anti-Semitic incident after another propelled the Jewish people towards the catastrophic 20th century Holocaust. Intellectual Jew-hatred in France, forced secularization in Communist Russia and fledging American fascism all fit so neatly into Hitler's master plan. The world was silent as millions of Jews were stripped of their political and economic rights and murdered with fierce efficiency.

KE 806 P
Zionism was not Herzl's invention but he was the driving force behind it. The Zionist ideal got mixed reviews: Reform Jews refused to share any ties with Israel while Orthodox rabbis suspected the Zionists of ulterior motives. Meanwhile, World War I toppled the Ottoman Empire and brought Palestine under British control. Decidedly pro-Arab and anti-Semitic, the British weathered 30 years of bloody Arab uprisings and violent Jewish resistance before bowing out to the new State of Israel.

KE 806 PP
Zionism wasn't Herzl's invention, but he was its driving force. The Zionist ideal got mixed reviews: Reform Jews refused any ties to Israel while the Orthodox community suspected the movement of ulterior motives. Meanwhile, World War I toppled the Ottoman Empire and brought Palestine under British control. Decidedly pro-Arab and anti-semitic, the British weathered 30 years of bloody Arab uprisings and violent Jewish resistance before bowing out to the newborn State of Israel.

KE 806 Q
The quote that best fits modern Israel is, "Everything we did, we did wrong, but look at what we accomplished." Rabbi Spiro rattles off the facts and statistics on the Arab-Israeli conflict, Diaspora's support for the State of Israel, and the tragedy of constant strife among our own people. He ends this Crash Course series by showing how history propels us into a hopeful future, and how every individual can make a significant contribution to better the world we live in.

KE 809 A
Explore seven remarkable milestones of Jewish history that defy nature and science. Join Rabbi Spiro for a roller-coaster ride through Jewish history as he examines seven unusually unique prophecies, and shows clearly how each one has been verified by actual recorded events in history.

KE 809 B
Hear what Judaism says about the destiny of mankind and the period preceding end of days. What particular strength of belief helped this tiny nation survive against all odds and persistent persecution? Ken Spiro matches the unlikely events of the last century to specific prophetic predictions written thousands of years ago. Hear also far-reaching prophecies - as yet to be revealed, and the implications.

KE 822
In a world where paganism was all that people knew, the Jewish concept of monotheism was a stubborn contradiction to what society believed in. Yet despite all the pressure against it, monotheism refused to die. Rabbi Spiro posits the parallel trend today by linking multiculturalism to the world's steady deterioration of moral values, and presents a surprising position that Jews are using this time around.

KE 831 A
The story of Chanukah is often retold as a series of miraculous events that took place during the span of a month. Rabbi Spiro sets the story straight with a rundown of how the massive Greek Empire rose to power, the Hellenists’ betrayal of classical Jewish values, of how the Chashmonaim held their ground and the heavy price paid for Jewish victory.