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Stern ztl, Rabbi Moshe Aharon
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SM 931 A
Every action a person does makes an impression. The greater they are, the longer and stronger the impact of those actions will have on others. Rabbi Stern relates startling stories of those who carried out all their actions admirably, and how these actions raised the Name of Hashem in the eyes of a world that is watching us very closely.

SM 931 B
If you feel Torah study is a drain, follow Rabbi Stern's assessment of the generation at Mt. Sinai who appeared quite obsessed with food and material comforts. But isn't this a glaring contradiction to the spiritual greatness we've always envisioned them to have had? Learn the dangers of spiritual downfalls, and where they lead to.

SM 931 C
Becoming a talmid chacham is widely understood as reaching the pinnacle of knowledge - where fame and honor are bestowed in its wake. Yet our history is full of men who scaled the heights of Torah - and remained totally unknown. What does great wisdom in Torah really take, and what key attitudes move us towards that hallowed treasure?

SM 932
In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Stern shows that the Jewish People were careful to avoid bad environments even in the desert. He explains how seeing 'not nice' things even has an effect on our souls. The flip side is to ensure a good environment with good influences - having a dramatic impact on our physical & spiritual well-being.

SM 933
Avraham's decision to sacrifice his son was beyond the choice of doing HaShem's will or losing a child - it meant forfeiting a lifetime's work of bringing other souls closer to God. How was he able to surmount this almost impossible command? Rabbi Stern singles out other shining examples of individuals whose trust in God was implicit.

SM 935
People often lose their logic during tough times, bringing fear and anxiety in its wake. On the other hand, does the longing to flee to safety drive one into an even more desperate state? Rabbi Stern tells of his own experience during of 1948 war in Israel, and shares with us the guidance and directives he heard from the Gedolim of the time. Hear the hashgacha and Emunas Hashem needed during your own periods of danger.

SM 941
By all the laws of nature teshuvah should play no part in a person's life. Rabbi Stern conveys the value of this very precious gift and in which ways Hashem jump-starts the process to help us take advantage of it. Hear a beautiful chizuk on the unending stream of rachamim that God showers upon us as He awaits our awakening.

SM 947
There is something terribly wrong in a world where the daily news is so filled with tragic tales - and people listen, nod, and peaceably eat their lunch. Where is our sense of compassion? Rav Moshe Aaron tells incredible stories about Gedolim of the last generation who were able to open themselves up to feel for everyone, even down to the animal level. An inspiring talk to upgrade our Ahavas Yisrael.

SM 953
Subconsciously we feel an uneasiness about all the minutes we let slip by - which turn into hours and then into weeks. Rabbi Stern examines the many unproductive tricks we use to fritter away time, especially during learning seders Hear inspiring insight and stories on how a mediocre student will surpass a much brighter one - just by avoiding these subtle traps of wasting time.

SM 955 B
Teaching young children is a calling that may seem small in this world, but promises great rewards in the next. Why is this so? Rabbi Stern describes the nature of a child's purity and clarity. He then reawakens the spirit of our own youthful alacrity and curiosity - ready to grab each moment of Toras Chaim that comes our way.