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Title Match: Tauber, Rabbi Ezriel, ztl
Tauber, Rabbi Ezriel, ztl on  aishAudio
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TE 880 C
Exposing children to find and choose truth among all the knowledge the world possesses is overwhelming, and frankly, unfair. On the other hand, there are so many important things to learn, or just plain helpful. Rabbi Tauber questions where we need to set the red line for secular ideas, and gives a rundown on the inherent dangers of turning to other sources.
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TE 909
The human need for truth is undeniable. Yet don’t we know that 'truth' can easily be bent to suit whatever their preference is? Rabbi Tauber submits a definition for ‘ultimate truth’ and offers a way to test for objective truth in yourself and with others.
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TE 913 A
Rabbi Tauber opens the Shalhevet Seminar by examining our basic need to love ourselves, to love our fellow Jews and to love Hashem. Hear how your opportunity to form a special partnership with Hashem is a special privilege to help put the finishing touches on perfecting our world. You'll also hear an overall summary of the seminar's other seven classes.
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TE 913 B

 Using a beautiful parable, Rabbi Tauber explains how our marriage to Hashem contains the seeds of love, which always long to reach way beyond their boundaries. If you are unable to attend a 'Shalhevet Seminar', this may be second best.

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TE 913 E
In this inspiring chapter of the Shalhevet Seminar, Rabbi Ezriel Tauber and Rav Shimshon Pincus zt"l speak on contemporary issues that affect most of us; bitachon and hishtadlus; marriage; Shabbos and the way we define ourselves. Don't miss this great audio collection.                            
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TE 913 F

How do you greet your spouse after a long day? If you understand why marriage is the ideal opportunity for Kiddush Hashem, then, says world-renowned lecturer Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, you've got a chance to succeed. Based on the analogy of two diamonds polishing one another, he explains why opposites work best, what the most common marital complaints are, and a sure-fire way to resolve difficulties. Hear also how even one spouse can raise their level of shalom bayis single-handedly.

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TE 913 H

In this inspiring series, Rabbi Ezriel Tauber and Rabbi Shimshon Pincus zt"l speak on contemporary issues that affect us all, such as bitachon & hishtadlus, marriage, Shabbos, and different ways we define ourselves. Don't miss this great collection.

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TE 916 A
Does living a Torah life make you any happier? Rabbi Tauber reminds us how out of touch with Hashem most of us are - even though we follow His dictates religiously. Where's the disconnect, and what's the smoothest way with the least amount of speed bumps to get us back on track?
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TE 925
Even if man is likened to a tree, the comparison doesn't seem so positive when comparing it to the original trees in Gan Eden. Haven't we learned that those trees disobeyed Hashem by not making their wood as edible as their fruit? Rabbi Tauber shows how the story may have been misunderstood, and shares the wisdom the Torah intended to convey.
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TE 935 C


There are several ways to highten Hashem's presence in your world. Rabbi Tauber points out how a happy marriage should come before buying a physical home. To see the spiritual parallel here, it behooves us to ask: am I focusing my attention in the right direction? See how from within the very struggles you face dwells relief from the burden of loneliness.


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