Mishpatim is chock full of laws that govern all aspects of life. Is there one underlying principle that pulls them all together? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful trail as he presents the importance of developing spiritual sensitivity that spans the spectrum from taking care of people’s feelings to learning the lessons of the Creation.
Those gift advertisements for the man who has everything seems especially apropos when considering God. After all, there is nothing we can give Him, is there? Rabbi Wagensberg begs to differ, pointing out just how much it means to our Creator when we earn the gifts He gives us.
We've all had moments in our life that we would prefer to forget, do to some mistakes that we made. Sometimes these episodes get us so bummed out that we feel paralyzed to move forward thinking that we are ruined for life. If what you just read, resonates with you then this talk with Rabbi Wagensberg is an absolute must! Listen and become empowered with the self confidence to know that there is a place deep, deep inside of us that is so holy it is beyond the impurities of sin and that we can always go back to that place and start over again.
Mishpatim: The Moon will Come up Tomorrow Wagensberg We all struggle through challenges in life, during these trying times we could all use a strong dose of emunah and bitachon (faith and trust in G-d). In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us how to obtain this faith and trust in G-d. In the process an inner dimension of celebrating Rosh Chodesh will be revealed, which will prepare us for what is yet to come in the Messianic era. Click here and you'll see what I mean.
We are surrounded with news reports about observant-looking Jews being arrested for fraud. The desecration of G-d’s name and the rise of anti-Semitism due to these cases are down right dangerous. To stem this tide it's not enough to follow the letter of the law, rather, we should strive to bend over backwards and go above and beyond the call of duty. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg reminds us of our unique high rank, by encouraging us to live up to our credentials.
G-d asks us to take a donation for Him. One second, Rabbi Wagensberg stops us. Aren’t we giving to G-d in order to create the Mishkan? Learn how we gained a connection to Hashem Himself when we donated toward the Tabernacle, and how the keilim teach us how to continue on that path of holiness. Learn to break past the barriers that attempt to stop us in order to reach a sense of wholeness that we truly desire.
Many feel ashamed of lower passions and desires that are a part of their personality despite true efforts to reach G-d. Is there any hope to be rid of them and reach holiness? Join Rabbi Wagensberg on his journey through the Mishkan, representing the soul of man, as he gives words of encouragement regarding mankind’s possession of negative traits, and how we can use them in the service of G-d.
There are so many ways to serve G-d. Do we ever get carried away with a specific focus and lose the bigger picture? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he expounds on the trait of truth and its capacity to view the full picture, and shows how donating all of our small and disparate belongings to the greater goal of the Mishkan holds lessons of reaching greater depths in the understanding of Hashem.
We gave and gave and gave some more in order to build the Mishkan. What is the right attitude to help us understand who really gained? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he examines all of the times we put forth effort and belongings in the service of G-d, and proves that the biggest recipient of all is the most counterintuitive: Ourselves.
Has any effort that you've made ever caught you by surprise and suddenly you saw that if you had been more prepared you would have indeed been more successful? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he not only guides us on the concept of 'preparedness,' but spells out practical, specific methods to help us focus on the process.