We all know that when two or more parties engage in a fight, usually no body emerges a winner. Rather, every person, at least on some level, is a loser. This week, however, Rabbi Wagensberg expands this idea into a different dimension which points to a certain pattern that has developed in Jewish history that we must contend with even until this very day. Not only will we learn a new meaning of Kosher (what we bring into our mouths) but we will also become more acutely aware of what comes out of our mouths, specifically in the realm of argumentativeness.
Are you sad? Stressed? Down in the dumps? If you'd like to know how to pick yourself up, from the depths of despair, then tune in as Rabbi Wagensberg shows how this method worked even on the worst of the worst, certaintly it's going to do a number ON YOU!
Korach’s accusations of Moshe may not have been as far from the truth as it may seem. Shocked? Listen in to Rabbi Wagensberg as he weaves an esoteric picture of souls that are destined for greatness and the counterforce of evil that enters the world along with them. Korach’s own character flaws caused him to confuse Moshe with the great leader’s opposite, and wound up destroying him in the process.
Purity and impurity. Positive and negative. Which do you think is stronger? Rabbi Wagesnberg delves into the puzzling paradox of the Red Heifer’s capacity to give purity at the same moment it defiles, exploring the concept of the power of even a little bit of light can push away a lot of darkness. Follow this powerful class to learn the lesson of the power of the positive, and the height that comes after a fall.
Our positive actions last forever åÐ but so do our negative ones. Rabbi Wagensberg helps us wear the glasses of those who can see into the future, and explains how to use them to make ourselves more attentive to what we do carelessly.
Moshe’s love for the Jews superseded all considerations of self. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to find out the many moments this quintessential leader sacrificed, even on a spiritual level, in order to bring his beloved nation to higher levels of serving G-d.
The Red Heifer teaches an important lesson – the future affects the past. Wondering how that works exactly? Listen in to a fascinating class that proves that events that will happen at some point later on has a real impact on life that is taking place now. If this is true, how can we turn this rule on its head, and make sure our today affects tomorrow?
Fellow Jews, we've been hijacked! Since the days of Esav, his descendants have robbed us of opportunities of spiritual growth. Today more than ever, as descendants of Yaakov Avineu, we have the responsibility to reclaim those opportunities of spiritual growth and complete the process that Yaakov himself started. This week, in a most amazing tug of war, Rabbi Wagensberg will show us what these opportunities are and how we can reclaim them as our own.
All the religions of the world preach "keep the faith". In today's world, perhaps one of the most difficult things is to have faith in anybody or in anything. To find out more about the unique challenges of our generation, listen in as Rabbi Wagensberg will connect our "soles" to our heads.
Moshe’s attempt to provide his nation with water by hitting the rock as opposed to speaking it seems minute in the span of sins possible to commit. Rabbi Wagensberg describes Moshe’s extreme desire for humility that expressed itself in the usage of the staff he carried. Learn about the Divine message of faith and sweetness that was meant to be conveyed by using mouth over force, and the ramifications of Moshe’s mistake.