Was the agonizingEgyptian exile given to our new fledgling nation as a punishment - even before they had a chance to do anything wrong? Rabbi Wagensberg suggests how the Egyptians attempted to crush the Jewish nation physically and spiritually before they could strengthen themselves to understand their true purpose of life.
The inferno of impurities raged in Egypt, touching every part of the land, along with all its inhabitants. Yet despite the lowliness that engulfed Yaakov's descendants, God's love was full and unconditional - meaning that our connection to Hashem is inseparable, even in Galus. Learn to appreciate how your clarity of this truth can add a new level to your sense of bitachon.
Wave after wave of calamity befell Pharoah - but he knew what he wanted, and stubbornly refused to wave the white flag. When someone sets their heart on something, they can do the impossible. Could it be this wicked monarch had a powerful lesson about willpower to teach us?
Feel stuck in the negativity of the past to the point that you just can't move into the future? No one had sunk further than the Jewish nation in Egypt- how did they reach great heights of spiritual growth despite their low level? Rabbi Wagensberg gives encouragement, and inspiration to reach our true inner summit.
One difficult area in life is how we approach food. Since our survival depends on it, everyone is forced to deal with it. Rabbi Wagensberg shares the secret on how raising our overall level of sanctity depends solely on our eating in holy ways. Pharaoh used this secret in his strategy to destroy the Jews.
Do you want to be married to the right person? In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg reveals concealed information that you might want to keep in mind before making any life altering decisions. Click here and you'll see what we mean.
Why don't we hear that once the Egyptian exile began the Jews erupting in joyous prayer? Rabbi Wagensberg discusses the sense of abandonment and theological confusion they were surrounded with, which seems so familiar to us. Hear the awesom power of Tehillim and its capacity to help us touch our internal feelings and our external problems. Also learn a few core lessons on prayer that
Water seems to be everywhere in Mitzrayim – from hiding within Moshe’s name, to the miraculously bloody Nile, to its powerful capacity to reveal the deceptions black magic attempts to pull. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg into ancient Egypt as he examines the core character of Pharoah and the Torah’s capacity for flexibility that gives us many more options than we may be aware of.
A person's body, spirit, intellect and emotions are four components that express the diverse drives within each of us. There also happens to be a number of themes in the Hagaddah also grouped by fours - like the four questions, the four cups of wine, the four sons, etc. These groupings parallel the intrinsic conflicts within us that continuously search for resolution and harmony. Rabbi Wagensberg tracks these themes and concludes this talk with how they will suddenly fuse together to bring about our final geula (redemption).
Rabbi Wagnesberg finds the connection between the 10 plagues and Tu B'Shvat as he discovers the value of elevating ourselves by not imitating the cultures around us. Hold on to your hats for the ride.