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Title Match: Wein, Rabbi Berel
Wein, Rabbi Berel on  aishAudio
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WB 806 F
The rise of Chassidus was an amazing revolution that occurred within traditional Judaism. It grew during times of brutal anti-Semitism and horrible social inequalities within Jewry. It revived Kabbalah and promoted prayer and joy as the primary ways a Jew should serve God. But to the Vilna Gaon and his followers, this anti-intellectualism of Chassidus was so dangerous that it erupted in physical battles. By the 1850's these opposing forces united against two common enemies - the Czarist government and rising secularism, which helped them become a mighty force to preserve Judaism during those changing times.
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WB 806 G
To appreciate the ongoing heated negotiations for territorial concessions, it is imperative to understand each sides theological and political position. Rabbi Wein cites Torah giants on whether it's a mitzvah to return to the Land of Israel now, or whether it's forbidden to return until the Moshiach arrives. Hear a chilling foresight that Maimonides gave on the dangers of political messianism. Rabbi Wein moves on to describe in exacting detail the secularism of political Zionism, the main causes of division, and the crucial issue needing to be resolved for the future of not only Israel, but for the entire Jewish people.
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WB 806 H
Perhaps the most euphoric moment in Israeli history was the recapture of the Old City in '67. With the original live news broadcast of the IDF soldiers at the Western Wall and Rabbi Wein's personal recollections, both its terror and victory vividly come to life.



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WB 806 I
The famed Dreyfus trial, where a Jewish officer in the French army was falsely accused of spying, unleashing political forces in the world that were shocking. Through prominent French journalists, most notably Emile Zola, this heinous miscarriage of justice was decried. The virulent anti-Semitism that finally convicted Dreyfus would eventually lead to the Shoah.
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WB 806 M

The beginnings of Jewish monarchy got off to a slow and rocky start. But the eighty years of King David and King Solomon’s rule were able to solidify the Nation of Israel as a major player in world history. We are told which kings of the Davidic Dynasty followed the role model of David and which were corrupt. And which three achievements set the mold for Jewish leadership.

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WB 812 A
Similar to Chavah (aka Eve) the mother of all living, Sarah is also considered a paradigm of motherhood. Her achieving this status was not natural, nor simple. Rabbi Wein thrills and chills you with the conflict she had with Hagar, along with other episodes of her extraordinary life. Hear the inspiring verses that praise this Woman of Valor - the original Aishet Chayil.
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WB 812 B

Raised in a house of trickery while meriting to marry the holy Yitzchak, Rivkah is the consummate baalas teshuva. Particularly because of her family background, she saw Eisav's faults long before her husband did. With insights from Chazal, Rabbi Wein paints a human portrait of this dynamic woman who took responsibility for the good and bad in her sons - as only a Jewish mother can.

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WB 812 C
The most enigmatic of the Imahos, Talmudic opinion about Leah is varied and even contradictory. Were her eyes beautiful or weak? Did Yaakov really dislike her or did he just love her less than Rochel? Was the mandrake incident positive or negative? Rabbi Wein tackles these questions from all sides, weaving together a picture of the unsung heroine who became mother to the vast majority of the Jewish people.
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WB 812 D
The beloved wife of Yaakov is also our most beloved mother, the one to whom we address our prayers, and the one who cries for us in the exile. But her exemplary life of selflessness was marred by personal tragedy. Rabbi Wein gives a fresh, new look at Rochel Imenu, emphasizing the very relevant lesson of choosing our words carefully.
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WB 812 E
Though Bilhah and Zilpah each mothered two tribes of Israel, sources regarding them are scarce. Rabbi Wein culls together later commentaries of such giants as the Netziv, showing how the rivalry between Leah, Rochel, and their children carried over to them and how their children comforted Yaakov in his years of separation from Yosef.
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