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Weinberg, Rebbetzin Denah
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WD 606
What is the difference between happiness and peace of mind? Rebbetzin Weinberg shows how true happiness will come about only after achieving inner peace. What ingredients are needed to enter this state of calm and how can Shabbos helps to instill them?

WD 608
Ones physical and spiritual drives are the most diametrically opposed forces within a human being. We're not meant to deny ourselves physical enjoyment, nor are we to become hedonistic pleasure seekers. Hear where the struggle is for bridging the gap to the ultimate pleasure.

WD 615 A
If we were to view Hashem as our best friend, how different would our lives be? And why is it so hard to trust Him? Don't we intuitively realize that if He's around, shouldn't He be super reliable? And what pushes us to ask 'If I only knew why I was given this test at this time?' Rebbetzin Weinberg also explains how to give Hashem the benefit of the doubt - especially when things seem their bleakest. An important talk.

WD 620
Being a new mother-in-law can be extremely nerve wracking. Questions like: what to do, what to avoid, do daughter-in-laws have to help when they come over, and how best to suggest a pointer or two are fielded by Rebbetzin Weinberg, along with being a beloved grandmother.

WD 626 A
We are living in a frightening world. How prepared are we to raise children during such unstable times? Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg offers three important safeguards; how to fill our homes with warmth; how to convey that Judaism is a privilege; and how to help our children appreciate who they really are.

WD 626 B
By examining the psychology of our generation, Rebbetzin Weinberg shows how to present Torah concepts in a positive way, without compromising discipline or structure. Hear what happens when we ourselves violate a Divine instruction for living, and what message this inevitably sends to our children.

WD 626 G
Would you like your child to develop this pure desire - 'Mommy, is this good for me?' This engaging chinuch talk offers sound advice for helping your kids keep a healthy distance from negative influences.

WD 630 A
Does Judaism really provide a woman with enough freedom to reach her true potential? Using well-known biblical examples, Rebbetzin Weinberg illuminates not only the high regard a Jewish woman must be held in by her husband, but also by society as a whole.

WD 630 B
To what extent are Jewish women respected in Judaism? Rebbetzin Weinberg shows how Jewish women are powerhouses with enormous capacity to achieve - assuming their goals and direction are channeled in positive ways. Get energized from a class full of clarity and encouragement on moving your important work to completion.

WD 630 C
Judaism lavishes high admiration for the accomplishments of our great women. Dinah Weinberg, at the risk of sounding like an Orthodox Jewish feminist, elaborates on great moments in our history when women sparkled their brightest. As a matter of fact, she even proves that behind every Jewish holiday stood a great woman who carried the day.