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Title Match: balak
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CA 040 A

As the Jews were preparing to enter Eretz Yisrael, it was clear they had no intention to harm the nations they needed to pass. So what drove Balak to hire Bilam to curse them anyway? Judaism possesses a special gift for raising the lowest of the low to a high spiritual plane. Hear how to harness this power to help, and why it can frighten those steeped in evil.

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GA 040

In this bazaar episode the Torah relates how Balak and Bilaam attempt to curse the Jewish people, even if to override God Himself. In his own energetic and exciting way Rabbi Geller uncovers their motivations, all the games they play with each other, with themselves, and with God. The outcome offers an interesting life lesson.



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KI 040 A
What a unique Torah portion. Finally, get a glimpse what the anti-Semites say about us when we're not around. Rabbi Kahn explores how the roots of Balaam's powers stem from his power to evoke the 'ayin horah', the evil eye. He also compares this with other Tanach characters.
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LA 040 B
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
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WG 040
Bilaam was brilliant. He understood our relationship with Hashem, and if he could just hit one of our weak spots, our entire connection would fall apart. Rabbi Wagensberg describes the relationship we have, and the fascinating, but diabolical identity of Bilaam - our enemy from many years ago.
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WG 040 E
Did Bilam, a prophet of MosheåÕs caliber, sincerely believe he could curse the Jews without divine consent? Rabbi WagensbergåÕs rule that darkness attracts darkness helps explain what this evil man was trying to do åÐ and yet reassures us that we can all push ourselves over to the side of good.
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WG 040 F
Would cursing the Jewish nation work? Balak was no fool. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to comprehend the depth of his scheme, and his intent to convince G-d Himself to change sides. How did Hashem use their very machinations as a punishment for them, and how does this teach us to go to the extreme opposite when fighting the negative inclination within us?
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WG 040 G
The holier something is, the heavier the covering of impurity that veils it. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful trail as he strips away the external ugliness to show the inner light of the difficult and tragic periods in the Jewish calendar, and within the soul of Ruth which was caught within Balak’s nation. What was Balak’s true aim in attempting to curse the Jews?
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WG 040 H
Sometimes we have to deal with people who appear to be the lowest of the low while at other times we find ourselves in the most difficult situation. But whatåÕs not always apparent is that these very people, places, times, or situations, could very well be the highest of the high. Once again Rabbi Wagensberg will fill us with hope in this lecture by revealing holy sparks that stem from the least expected places.
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WG 040 I

We the Jewish People have the most lethal weapon in the world, it's right under our noses and we don't even realize it. If you'd like to find out what this magnificent energy source is, then click here and prepare to be blown away as Rabbi Wagensberg unravels the mystery behind our greatest weapon. There won't be a dry eye in the audience.

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