- Jewish mp3 downloads
- Torah audio free listening
- Judaism mp3s

Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.

Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.

At a very tragic moment so difficult to understand, Sarah dies on hearing the news of Abraham's attempted sacrifice of Isaac. Where is her just reward for all she put out for God's honor? Rabbi Milstein explores the concept of 'regretting actions', and the ruination that follows at its heels.

How do we learn from the way Sarah's life is discussed her amazing worldview of seeing everything in her - the good and bad - as good? This first of our matriarch's had an absolutely flawless character, which only added to her beauty. How did Eliezer teach us that our own interests color our view, even when we are unaware of them?

The way Sarah's life is discussed stands out from the average person. Did she really die - or does she still live on in the truest sense? Why was it so important to that Yitzchak find a wife from Avraham's family - who were not the most savory of characters? And why was the death of Sarah juxtaposed with Akeidas Yitzchak?

Sarah, our first matriarch, was a towering figure who was considered to be greater than Avraham in some areas. Rabbi Wagensberg explores this beautiful woman’s personality, and her monumental accomplishments that form the inner fabric of a Jewish woman.