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CA 039 D
Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.
KI 039 A
Among the most difficult episodes of the Torah is understanding why Moses didn't merit entering into the Land of Israel. A recent great Torah commentator, the Meshech Chochmah, develops a brilliant and innovative understanding of why Moses hit the rock. Join Rabbi Kahn as he unravels this important lesson.
LA 039 B
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
LA 039 C
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
MI 039/40
Some Divine decrees were given, but how come reasons were not given for the rational mitzvot? Are we really expected to do things we don't understand? Hear an interesting discussion on this thorny issue plus other insights from the weekly parsha - such as when the wandering Jews encountered the greatest non-Jewish prophet, Bilaam, and his multiple attempts to curse them in the desert.
WG 039
Purity and impurity. Positive and negative. Which do you think is stronger? Rabbi Wagesnberg delves into the puzzling paradox of the Red Heifer’s capacity to give purity at the same moment it defiles, exploring the concept of the power of even a little bit of light can push away a lot of darkness. Follow this powerful class to learn the lesson of the power of the positive, and the height that comes after a fall.
WG 039 E
Our positive actions last forever åÐ but so do our negative ones. Rabbi Wagensberg helps us wear the glasses of those who can see into the future, and explains how to use them to make ourselves more attentive to what we do carelessly.
WG 039 F
Moshe’s love for the Jews superseded all considerations of self. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to find out the many moments this quintessential leader sacrificed, even on a spiritual level, in order to bring his beloved nation to higher levels of serving G-d.
WG 039 G
The Red Heifer teaches an important lesson – the future affects the past. Wondering how that works exactly? Listen in to a fascinating class that proves that events that will happen at some point later on has a real impact on life that is taking place now. If this is true, how can we turn this rule on its head, and make sure our today affects tomorrow?
WG 039 I
All the religions of the world preach "keep the faith". In today's world, perhaps one of the most difficult things is to have faith in anybody or in anything. To find out more about the unique challenges of our generation, listen in as Rabbi Wagensberg will connect our "soles" to our heads.