The remarkable story of how Selafchad’s daughters fought for their entitled portion of land in Israel highlights the strong traits a woman possesses for pursuing the truth. These strengths include the ability to build, discerning falsehood, and holding onto spiritual beliefs even when the entire world shuns them.
The portion of Pinchas falls out during the Three Weeks of tragedy and mourning that culminate with the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to find out how forgetting the Torah is the root of all our sorrows, and dig deeper to comprehend what causes us this clouding of our minds. A fascinating class that ties in the energies of the summer months that were twisted away from their pure source, and gives a deeper understanding of Shabbos and the concept of a Shalom Zachor.
Would Midyan have tried to seduce any other nation with the same malicious venom they directed at Jewish spirituality? "Of course not" says Rav Noach. The world at large has a special dislike for the Jewish worldview which brings in its wake higher consciousness. So he asks "Do we hate ourselves as well, and in the same way?"
Pincus was a grandson of Aharon HaKohen, yet for a technical reason he was ineligible to enter the Kohen’s Covenant of Peace. Pincus teaches us the lesson of becoming fit in your own right to merit your maximum reward in life. Rav Noach tells us what it takes to become who you truly are.