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Title Match: vayeishev
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CA 009 A
The brothers were men of such piety and integrity that they even 'convinced' G-d to go along with their plan to sell Yosef. And yet we are told that it wasn't the correct action to take. How can we understand the brothers' underlying motivation of hatred that even they were in the dark about?
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KI 009 A
One of the most dramatic episodes in the bible is when Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery. But this fascinating narrative is abruptly interrupted by an apparently unrelated licentious meeting of Judah and Tamar. Rabbi Kahn rearranges the puzzle pieces showing how both events were essential for sowing the seeds of the Messianic Age.
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LA 009 A
As big as a person can be, they are limited. YosefåÕs greatness, which was intrinsic to him, was forced to end, while YehudaåÕs lasted forever. Rabbi LopianskyåÕs careful analysis of these two great men leads to an understanding of what the basic Greek worldview was, and how Chanuka was able to combat this message.
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LA 009 B
What special relationship existed between Yaakov and Yosef, and why, despite all their similarities, is Yosef the one with the power to destroy the evil Esav? What was Yosef’s unique power beyond that of Yaakov? Learn about ‘depth of eyesight’, and how Yosef’s purity enhanced this sense to its fullest potential, turning all he gazed at into kedusha.
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WG 009
Rabbi Wagensberg gave this talk when Chanukah coincided with Parshas Vayeishev. He looks into the parsha and pesukim about Chanukah to answer many questions that arise, including halachos about Chanukah, the menorah in the time of the Beis Hamikdash, and more! Rabbi Wagensberg also explores the idea of outer and inner light and the way it corresponds to different types of wisdom. A very interesting talk!
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WG 009 E
Yosef's wife Osnas is a personality whose history is shrouded in mystery. In this electrifying episode Rabbi Wagensberg reveals Osnas's secret identity and in the process, reveals Yosef's true identity. Along the way, Rabbi Wagensberg will point out the connection between purity of speech and sanctity of circumcision and its power to provide all the overabundant good that this world has to offer.
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WG 550

If you usually skip over the Parsha Talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg. His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, which often sprouts from a fascinating new vantage point.

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WN 009 A


We know that Reuven attempted to save Yosef from death at the hands of his brothers. So why if he tried to save him was he included in the punishment they all received for selling him? A powerful class on how responsibility sharpens your moral sensitivity, and the need to completely finish every mitzvah you do.


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