On one hand it is natural to seek trust in other people, but on the other hand emotions of fear, worry, and need for control seem to get in the way. Mrs. Juravel shows how the same applies to Hashem. Hear the qualities that make Hashem eminently worthy for us to trust Him, and how to leave behind the negatives which hinder this trust? Also, hear how we confuse the balance of bitachon and hishtadlus.
While many feel that working on <i>bitachon</i> is a non-intellectual exercise, Chani Juravel proves how eminently sensible it is to do so. Not only are we to keep in mind that every occurrence is being powered by the Divine Director, but also to grasp the understanding that it surly must be for the good. Listen in to learn how pain can also be viewed using this approach.
Mrs. Juravel looks at the link in tefillah between the end of Tehillim to the rest of Shacharis. it is especially interesting that Vayvarech David is the next prayer after Tehillim and that we suddenly interrupt it by giving tzadakah. Hear the significance of following the spiritual high of Tehillim with the practical act of charity, and how this affects the way we view our blessings.
This perek of Tehillim starts the journey of prayer. Dovid Hamelech shows us the barriers between us and Hashem by paralleling prayer to his own journey of building a Beis Hamikdash. Mrs. Juravel describes jumping over the barriers that keep us away from God: suffering, when good things stop, and when we sense Hashem’s anger.
Get ready for a great series on the Shmoneh Esrei. In this first class hear many of the changes prayer can create, and how to express your desire for closeness. Hear three stages people slip in and out of during life, and the emotions each stage elicits. Mrs. Juravel continues the series by examining each blessing's capacity to forge a stronger bond with God - no matter where you are or how you are feeling.
How can we come to realize fully that even with all the wonderful signs of good in our lives, Hashem is still our only source of blessing? Mrs. Juravel’s lucid explanation of the first bracha in the Amidah looks at the unique relationship each patriarch formed with Hashem. Find out how God directs His unlimited strengths and abilities in order to shower you with endless kindness.
What is the process of bringing the dead to life? Mrs. Juravel points out how we learn about Hashem’s massive strength through His ability to weave techiyas hamesim into how rain is expressed on the physical level. Helpful to hear again when one feels stuck or alone.
The term holiness is oft thrown around. What does it really mean? Mrs. Juravel analyzes the capacity humans have to connect the seemingly separate worlds of physicality and spirituality, and utilizing one for the other. How can we know when to stay away from the unsavory, and when to create a springboard out of it to reach G-d? An excellent class on an often confusing subject.
As the only creations in the world that have the power of free choice, we need to be blessed with the power to discern between a sometimes similar seeming good and evil. If we have this behind us, our lives suddenly become so simple. Mrs. Juravel covers the different kinds of mental acuity that exists, and has us laughing at ourselves as she portrays some of the mental gymnastics we pull off to convince ourselves of things that aren’t real or true.
Do we aspire to perfection? Not quite, says Mrs. Juravel. Learn about the great gift of teshuvah and the heights it can bring us to despite our failings and mistakes. This blessing portrays our desire for Hashem to accept us back after we’ve fallen. Learn about how our sense of shame is an excellent marker of how we view