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Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie
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MX 630 L
Even in our busy lives, with so much going on, we must be on guard from neglecting ourselves; rather, we must make sure to take care of our own basic needs. Hear how to rejuvenate, make time for yourself, and maintain a healthy balance in your home and marriage.

MX 630 M
The old adage of 'behind every good man is a good woman' is an important topic worth reviewing. How can we as women become great wives, and influence our husbands to become their best? Mrs. Mansour shows how prayer can bring about such tangible results. Ladies, a must listen.

MX 630 N
Today many have a massive amount of excess clutter in their lives. If so, isn't just tossing it in the trash the simplest way of ridding it from our lives? Mrs Mansour helps us to consider just how conducive or educational this attitude is for us and our families. An easygoing talk to rein in one's wasteful tendencies, plus all the potential joy and satisfaction of recycling your junk into being another's treasure.

MX 630 O
Isn’t that famous line ‘beauty is being able to turn heads’ a bit shallow today? Won’t a woman with self-respect, which speaks from a deeper corner, talk and act in ways that reflect inner dignity? Just considering ideas mentioned here can make an impression during a date, bringing the marriage you hope for a step closer.

MX 630 P
Speech is a very powerful tool. The woman of valor will intuitively know what to say and how to speak, while imparting guiding wisdom along her way. Mrs. Mansour offers suggestions on how to think before we speak, and how to increase the listener's attention.

MX 630 Q
How does a woman of valor accomplish all of her family needs, with a smile, and still find enough time to keep her own spiritual goals on track? Are these goals mutually exclusive or is there a smart way to have them compliment one another?

MX 630 R
The good deeds of the woman of valor are known to only a few of her very close friends. Much of her valor will only be known at the end of her life, when her husband, children and recipients of her chesed will rise up to praise her. Hear how to epitomize a woman of valor through modest behavior and hidden deeds. Just the reaching for it can get you half way there.

MX 630 S
Keeping God's presence closer is generally more instinctive for a woman than a man. Bonnie Mansour shows how and why surrounding yourself with like-minded people will transform you into becoming a ‘virtuous person’ - rather than a person who does virtuous deeds from time to time.

MX 630 T
In the culmination of this series, Mrs. Mansour inspires us with an explanation to each verse of this literary masterpiece. A Woman of Valor is striving to be a better wife and mother who is constantly redefining her relationship with God. Such a woman becomes, through her own efforts, a pillar of light from whom all seek advice and choose to emulate.

MX 639 C
Hagar was an Egyptian princess who chose to give up her royal status for the privilege of living in Avraham's home. Yet immediately after she become pregnant as a second wife, she began looking down at Sarah as being spiritually undeserving. Hear the interesting relationship they had, and the valuable lessons on marriage, on the importance of attitude, and on female intuition.