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Pincus, Rav Shimshon ztl
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PS 533 C
Hashem’s loving response to sincere mourning over the Churban is very moving. But bottom line what specific actions are needed to earn His consolation? A fiery Rav Pincus presents Kedushas Yisrael - that aspect of our Heavenly relationship that has nothing to do with Mitzvas. What initiative from our own volition will indeed return us to Hashem’s loving protection?

PS 533 D
There's one day every year we try to face the reality of who we are, where we are, and why. Rav Pincus compares and contrasts the past horrors that have befallen the Jewish people to the current tragedy of scores of Jews being lost to their heritage. Can we feel the pain of Hashem? Are we willing to do all it takes to end our galus? A must-listen to help shake us up - to truly take stock.

PS 540 A
On approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, how can we convince Hashem that we’re really deserving of His continued investment in us? Rabbi Pincus pinpoints the places in the machzor that were designed to help us recreate ourselves anew. Hear a key on reaching up to Hashem with sincerity and passion.

PS 540 B
When events in the world seem out of control, sound advice is to reflect on self-improvement. Rav Pincus shows us a number of difficult periods our nation has struggled through, and the spiritual gains we earned, albeit through great pain. Hear what Hashem is asking of us now as our religious observance is on the upward swing.

PS 549
There is a strange minhag on Hoshana Rabba of taking the aravos and beating them on the ground. The meaning of this practice is rarely discussed, but Rav Pincus gives us a peek at how this peculiar gesture is our way of kissing Hashem -and how He returns it.

PS 550
Just how true is this popular statement: Beauty belongs to Greece? A primary grievance the Greeks had against the Jews was their outright trespass into their exalted domain of beauty. Rav Pincus makes a powerful point : in all the different ways people confuse the 'truth' with 'real beauty'?

PS 553 A
Purim, the day of jest and hilarity can also be see as camouflaging its depth and holiness. The Jewish Nation's rebirth leading up to the first Purim ranks alongside Har Sinai as a seminal historical event. In this lofty class, Rav Pincus describes how totally lost we felt, and how our union with Hashem was based on nothing but pure love. A lovely message to carry us a bit higher throughout the year.

PS 600
The Sages tell us that the first man, Adam reached from the earth till the heavens - in height and in stature. His height was permanently reduced once he was banished from the Garden, but the potential of his spiritual stature is still available to us. What focus must we be aware of to reestablish this stature and dignity in our lives?

PS 606
Stories of great individuals that turned their tough times into great leaps forward are uplifting and so inspiring. But the trick is to figure out how I can do it myself. Rabbi Pincus leads us forward by asking the following question, 'How do I find a healthy way to deal with my current struggle - while in the midst of managing my life not to get sidetracked?'

PS 616 A
All parents want their children's highest potential, but under it all we wish the same for us. The capacity to be silent at the edge of exploding in anger or hurt, or holding back harsh words can quickly earn you great merit. Rav Pincus describes the motivation for taking on such a noble effort.