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Title Match: Luchins, Dr. David
Luchins, Dr. David on  aishAudio
Luchins, Dr. David Dr. David Luchins is Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at Touro College in New York, and was a Senior Advisor to former U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He is also a Senior Vice President of the Orthodox Union.
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LD 877 P
Some of the myths surrounding President Obama do little justice towards his real intentions towards the Middle East. In fact, they distract us from greater realities that are truly worrisome. Hear an important class Dr Luchins gave five years ago about Iran, and what Israel's specific role is for neutralizing this growing nuclear threat.
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LD 877 Q

Dr. Luchins opinion as to whether a Jew should take sides in Israeli politics is well known: if you want to interfere, first make Aliyah. Nevertheless, he balances this view with three reasons why one should indeed publicize their views on Israeli politics, but clarifies the hidden pitfalls and consequences to be aware of.

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LD 877 R
Both the right and left in American politics have seen extremist parties break away from their more moderate camp to campaign for what they believe is best. Dr. Luchins scrutinizes the Tea Party Movement - whose political beliefs reach to the far right. Hear a thoughtful analysis of this group's core agenda, and how this might influence the future of Jewish life in America.
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LD 877 S
With all the power and influence the USA has in the world, is Israel really so fortunate to have them as such a 'close friend'? Join Dr. Luchins as he examines the pros and cons of Israel's alliance with America. He then jumps into a fascinating analysis of how Communism, and now the war on terrorism, have skewed our view of international politics.
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LD 877 T
The Middle East is a hotbed of regime changes and political upheaval. Are there ways to explain the current chaos? Dr. Luchins examines the emerging nationalism in Europe, and it's steady march into Arab countries. Hear a seasoned analysis of American intervention and Arab fundamentalism, and how Israel fits into the mix.
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LD 877 U
David Luchins tables the different narratives about Jonathan Pollard. Some feel he’s a Nathan Hale, others a Benedict Arnold, and others say he’s a victim of his own delusions, or from American anti-Semitism. Those in the middle see him as being manipulated by forces larger than himself. From the known facts some narratives become bogus, while others continue to baffle all those following this endless saga.
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LD 877 V

At one point 97% of the US Congress backed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Every president since Bill Clinton has signed the waiver to push off the US Embassy's move to Jerusalem. Hear the history and politics behind this mysterious delay, and why even Donald Trump signed this waiver just two weeks after the Jerusalem inauguration, and hear who is really behind the ongoing authorization of this famous waiver?

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LD 878
Should Americans use the power of their influence and money to sway the Israeli political agenda? After all, shouldn't they have a say on how to build and protect the country they love? On the other hand is it fair for those who don't live in Israel to make decisions without understanding the cultural undercurrents swirling around all the hot issues? Classic Luchins.
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LD 878 B
Less than a week of heartbreak and pain. Decades spent building lives and communities - ripped up to be 'replanted' elsewhere. Perhaps now that the furor has passed over the Disengagement and the emotional wounds are less raw, let's take a more objective look at this agonizing chapter. What was the underlying reason Israel went ahead with it, what was achieved, and what conclusions have been drawn? From his many years on the Wash. DC scene, David Luchins is more privy to the inside story.
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LD 880 C

What should our stance be when a fellow Jew breaks the law? Should we run to their defense, even if it appears they blatantly violated basic U.S. regulations? Dr. Luchins covers three high profile cases over the past few years, and analyzes the common cry of 'anti-Semitism' after Jews were arrested. And which inner emotion does it behoove us to feel during such moments?

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