Esther is easily on of the most tragic figures in our history, an intensely spiritual woman who was orphaned in infanthood and robbed of a beautiful marriage and potential children. How did she overcome the despair that threatened to overwhelm her and reach beyond the tragic incidents that were occurring on an individual and national level to reach the dawn that lay just beyond the night?
King Saul was actually on a higher spiritual level than David, but David had a quality that Saul lacked - the ability to be what a king needed to be. Mrs. Juravel defines which attributes a king must have beyond wearing a gold crown and sitting on a throne. See how David the man was able to allow God to shine through him - no matter what trials or tribulations were placed before him.
G-d is so infinitely great, and so powerful, He can seem terribly far away. This psalm holds within it all of the tools needed to reach out and connect to Him, as well as empowering us by paradoxically focusing on our seeming insignificance in the vastness of the universe.
David had many enemies, and unabashedly asked G-d to punish them for all they did. Yet this seemingly human need for revenge is far from what it seems. David considered his enemies based on G-d's desires, not his own. How does that alter our perception of self that is so a part of us, we take it for granted?
There are some unsavory characters in the world, who terrify others with their disregard for human life and morals. They are so full of ego, that they think they will never be taken down. Mrs. Juravel examines G-d’s contempt for pride, and His love of those who humble themselves. She shows how this plays out in the end, even when the bad guys seem to be on top, at present.
Almost no one suffered more in life than David. No one likes pain - and G-d must know that. Why then must we struggle? David discovered the gift inherent in all challenges in life, and shared his knowledge of the greatness and actualized potential that is the ultimate goal at the end of the rocky road.
With the Book of Tehillim drawing to a close, king David once again inspires us with a new, majestic song. Mrs. Juravel examines how dance and song together spark inner joy even at times our mood may be low. Within this song hear clues for renewing life, God’s goodness, and His infinite care. Hear the beauty of humility and the times the humble find song so very inspiring.
Most people don't suffer from ulcers anymore. Now that it's common knowledge that stress plays a big part in this ailment, everyone has back pain instead. Mrs. Juravel points to our inability to let go of control and describes what truly accepting Shabbos should mean. A beautiful class on greeting Shabbos by clearing our minds of worry and giving the reins back to He who really holds them anyhow.
The tribe of Zevulun is represented by this Perek, along with his understanding of Hashem's guidance as he sees it in the workplace. How do we relate the knowledge of Hashem differently to different people? Mrs. Juravel posits that we don't rely on Hashem enough, and desire a true connection to Him, as well as showing that even the mundane workplace can turn into something holy.
The future state of the world and the happiness that marks the time of Moshiach is for the most part shrouded in vague references. The ultimate joy this Perek describes is a window for understanding this trait, and how it will simultaneously cut down the haughty while building up leaders possessing true humility.