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Title Match: Juravel, Mrs. Chana
Juravel, Mrs. Chana on  aishAudio
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JO 079 ZE
Taking stock of the day of reckoning, which will coincide with Hashem's ultimate revelation of being the only force behind the physical world, is not so easy - but necessary. Mrs. Juravel describes the fairness and justice that Hashem uses when considering His beloved creations. Preparing for that future day now by living a perfectly pristine life is impractical. So what can we realistically do to reorient ourselves so as to avoid the shock of that ultimate rebuke?
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JO 079 ZF
What drove David Hamelech with such immense spiritual power to sing even at the death of his beloved infant son, despite the tragedy happening right before his eyes? Mrs. Juravel explains the significance of the number nine (9) at its esoteric level, and proves that at certain times when life is taken - is the ultimate time to celebrate life itself.
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JO 079 ZG

This Psalm’s message is so basic, it is written out in the order of the Alef-Beis, but so deep that it behooves us to take it with us always. Mrs. Juravel speaks about our experience of G-d not during times of tragedy or joy, but the Divine presence that is with us during our most mundane day. An inspirational class that helps us touch the love that surrounds us always

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JO 084
Ruth's place in Jewish history as the great-grandmother of David and progenitor of mashiach is hard to appreciate, seeing that she was considered at the time a total outcast - scorned and ridiculed by almost everyone. How did this courageous woman hold onto her convictions, and from which particular merit did she earn the privilege of bringing kingship to the nation she joined?
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JO 087
Esther represents the image of hope to a people steeped in desperation. How did she move past the 'why' that most people get stuck on to valiantly save her nation? Hear Mrs. Juravel's expose on a woman who penetrated nature's illusion - reversing certain tragedy. An important lesson on prevailing during times of difficulty and challenge.
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JO 277 A

We need to come to a basic level of belief that there is a Creator of the world. Once we have this foundation, we are able to move forward into living a life based on this knowledge. We need to exemplify our belief to the extent that it defines us. Mrs. Juravel explains the definition of Hashem as a Creator and the one who guides the universe, and adds understanding to the concept that nothing in the world can happen without His will.

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JO 277 B

There is a G-d, and that carries implications. We come to know Hashem through His actions and His creations. As we watch life and the existence of the world, we must take the picture we see one step further to see the Divine life-force behind it. The understanding that G-d is willing the world into being each moment means every human and object is there for a reason. Taking this to heart elevates our capacity to deal with the various struggles that come our way from anger and frustration to love and acceptance.

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JO 277 C

Can we wrap our minds around the idea of something being indivisible? Not only is G-d One, but He is completely independent of the world He created.  Mrs. Juravel gives a deeper understanding of Hashem’s quality of oneness. This quality means that G-d must also be the source of all truth. What psychological blocks do we struggle with that makes it difficult for us to accept this?

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JO 277 D
As much as we can know about God and His Divine nature, we accept that we’re mortal and finite and the amount we can know is just the tip of the iceberg. Mrs. Juravel looks at the gap between what we can see of God and who He truly is. But once we appreciate just how limited our mental capacity is, our ability to handle tragedy will grow commensurately.
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JO 277 E


Where does one begin to wrap their mind around a Being who exists beyond time and space? Ever wonder how God sees endless time as a complete picture instead of as a sequence of events? Mrs. Juravel shows how a deeper understanding of these concepts can give you extra strength to accept painful events that are hard to comprehend.


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