Amalek's desert attack on weary travelers was an act of cruelty. But why the extreme command to utterly wipe them out? Follow a beautiful class on the all encompassing dangers of Amalek and why Shabbos is the ultimate antidote for the gloom and doom they intended. Knowing why will help you feel more beloved and cared for.
If you’re building a home, build it to last. Mrs. Chani Juravel offers four essential tools for creating a solid marriage. This class sparkles with wisdom and wit as the concepts of trust, communication, vitality and respect are examined through the prism of Torah. Hear how to apply and test them in interactions with your spouse - and ultimately with God Himself.
It's a lot easier to know how to feed and dress your children than to give them foundations for spirituality. Mrs. Juravel tackles this big topic from three angles. She also discusses helping them to feel and show gratitude, and how to give them a true sense of being happy.
The Torah's prototype of a teen is portrayed as being depressed, tired, and displaying an indifference to meaning. This unusual class explores Esav’s emotional state which needed to be moved forward in ways that never came about. Listen in for signs to help you identify your teens needs - needs to help you assist their development.
The idea of making a connection with Hashem seems almost counterintuitive. How does one communicate with a God who can't be seen or heard? Mrs. Juravel shows how the struggles we encounter with people in positive ways are also the same channels that open the way for a better connection with Hashem.
After the heartbreaking kidnap and murder of three Israeli teens, Chani Juravel addresses the shock and pain that grips a nation in mourning. How do we best heal ourselves through such deep tragedy? How do we strengthen spiritually and grapple with all the haunting questions that shout out to us?
Chava, the first woman, was faced from day 1 with tough choices to make. The choices she needed to make put pressure on her to compromise her judgement with right and wrong, her femininity, her potential, and how she’d respond to her past mistakes. Mrs. Juravel delves into her personality, her marriage to Adam, and the beauty of this amazing women.
Choosing between good and evil is so confusing since the negative side at times adorns itself as beauty and at other times cloaks itself in holiness. Is it possible to discern between them, and could Chava have indeed realized the truth at the moment of her first temptation? And once the fruit was eaten, how did she respond to the punishments sent her way.
Sarah's name stems from the word 'measured', and indeed she graced her life and all those she touched by using the most appropriate Midah at each situation. One area she was especially known for was Shalom. But how can we see this in light of the apparent cruelty she showed by chasing Hagar out of her home?
Sarah knew the exact balance when she urged Avraham to send Yishmael away. Mrs. Juravel examines the background, and how her precise solution was arrived at. Other moments of Sarah's binah are highlighted up to the end of her life - during the Akedah. Hear the inspiring traits of a beautiful woman who viewed every day as a good day.