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Orlowek, Rabbi Noach
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ON 948 B
Greeting someone with a smile has a much greater effect than we realize. We can also have great difficulties with others simply because we have already developed strengths in areas they lack. Join Rabbi Orlowek as he explains how to allow others to excel in their strong areas as you skillfully contribute your developed expertise. A great talk for improving social skills.
ON 951
The story of Esther̢s success in saving her nation from annihilation came with a fierce personal struggle. Her ability to picture her destiny in God̢s ultimate plan, and her courageous will to fill that gap despite the terrible personal sacrifice holds important lessons we can all benefit from.
ON 951 B
There are two distinct levels of fulfilling a commandment. The first is to act according to ones comprehension of it. The second is to love what one is doing, and do it solely because Hashem tells us to. Rabbi Orlowek clarifies the specific change that transpired at Har Sinai that brought the entire nation to totally accept His authority - a level that even the Avos were unable to attain.
ON 951 C
Can wisdom be measured? Rabbi Orlowek examines the concept of how something that is thought-out can be a vital sign towards one's mental acuity. How is this capacity compared to eyesight, and how can we learn to live in a way that factors in the consequences of our actions?
ON 951 E
Where does peace of mind come from and how do we achieve it? Rabbi Orlowek offers breadth and depth in describing how a quiet place within can be your anchor despite all the noise around you. Find out the meaning within this calm, how it preserve your life, allows you to forgive others, and to locate the mental space to concentrate. Each mp3 file contains three short classes for a content-packed listening experience.
ON 951 F
Where does peace of mind dwell, and how is it acquired? Rabbi Orlowek describes the state of peace and how to anchor it despite all your daily distractions. This calm preserves meaning in life, allows you to be more forgiving and relaxes your brain to concentrate. This mp3 contains three mini-classes for a high content-packed listening experience.
ON 952 A
It's not for nothing that the quote 'seeing is believing' is so widely used. As anyone who has witnessed a tragic scene of squalor and poverty can attest, the sense of sight can more quickly harness the deep emotions in a way that just hearing about it can't. Why is sight so powerful, and what great value does it have in planning for the future and for acquiring knowledge? Unfortunately, you'll need to hear the answer to this one.
ON 952 B
There are two stages of avodas Hashem (serving God): the first is the initial uplifting exhilaration and inspiration. The second stage is internalizing, concretizing and recreating this upward movement. Rabbi Orlowek points out that we all experience moments of inspiration, but it is only by learning to integrate these events and emotions that we can progress and elevate our avodas Hashem.
ON 952 C
Binah means being able to see the particulars of a specific item or circumstance, and building on from there. Rabbi Orlowek examines the capacity of the wise man to harmonize all the details in order to see the goal. One's ability to build upon this understanding is part of what gives us the capacity to prevail during times of darkness and difficulty. A fascinating class.
ON 952 D
Trees were planted because someone chose to invest in the future. Righteous people perform good deeds in a similar fashion. By understanding how a tree constantly adapts itself to withstand all climate and environmental changes, we can learn a few life lessons for growing and flourishing in every season of our lives.